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Gas , Plumbing and Heating - Corporate Landlord



360,000 GBP


Milton Keynes City Council are currently out to tender for the provision of Gas, Plumbing and Heating services to provide the services for the regular servicing and maintenance of gas systems, plumbing, hot water systems, and heat pumps across a portfolio of buildings. The aim is to ensure safety, compliance with regulations, and optimal performance of all systems for our corporate portfolio. This is being procured as an open tender. Lot 1: Milton Keynes City Council are out to tender for the provision of Gas Servicing, Plumbing, and Heat Pump Maintenance. this is being procured under the open procedure. Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) manage a diverse property portfolio encompassing leisure, schools, commercial and corporate landlord stock. MKCC’s repair and maintenance obligations differ for the different stock types and leasehold responsibilities.For the Corporate Landlord stock (properties from which the council predominately offer their services) the Council has full maintenance responsibility including reactive, quoted, planned, best practice and statutory compliance obligation.MKCC operates an in-house Facilities Management Team, central to this function is the MKCC FM Helpdesk. The helpdesk operates a CAFM system called CIVICA, which is intrinsic to the success of our operation. It is a requirement that the successful supplier utilises CIVICA in delivery of this contract, therefore training will be provided during mobilisation.This tender package encompasses the following disciplines:A. Gas Installations and PlumbingB. Heat Pump Maintenance It is a mandatory requirement that -the successful contractor offers a 24/7 service. Please note that, out of hours calls will only be placed for genuine emergencies, and the successful contractor must have the capability to receive and respond to such calls.MKCC look to form a transparent and open relationship with all their appointed suppliers. This transparency requires all costs and performance data to be clearly visible on a site-by-site basis. It is our expectation that all activities will be tightly controlled by the successful contractor to ensure that all MKCC’s processes and procedures (as detailed in this tender package) are continually met.


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Milton Keynes Council

Clare Harris

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