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HCC May 2024 – PPME for ResilienTogether design and build SuDS/NFM



Hertfordshire County Council (the ‘Council’) is carrying out Pre-Procurement Market Engagement (‘PPME’) in relation to ResilienTogether design and build SuDS/NFM.The Council will consider the feedback received to help inform the Council’s options and further decision making. For the avoidance of doubt, this stage of the project is not part of a formal procurement process and the Council is not committing, at this stage, to carrying out such a process. Participation or non-participation in the PPME shall not prevent any supplier participating in a potential future procurement, nor is it intended that any information supplied as part of the PPME shall place any supplier at an advantage in a potential procurement process. Participation in the PPME will be at each organisation’s own cost. No expense in responding to this PPME will be reimbursed by the Council. Lot 1: The Council is carrying out Pre-Procurement Market Engagement (‘PPME’) in relation to ResilienTogether design and build SuDS/NFM.ResilienTogether is a DEFRA-funded innovation initiative in the Pix Brook Catchment. The Pix Brook begins within Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire and travels northward toward Stotfold and Arlesey (Central Bedfordshire). The project is run in partnership between Hertfordshire County Council and Central Bedfordshire Council. The aim of the project is to better monitor, respond and adapt to changing flood risks. The project is doing this by collecting information from multiple telemetry flow monitoring stations installed in the catchment, as well as water quality monitoring stations. Both are being used to improve the Councils understanding about how and when flooding is likely to occur, and the best way to address water quality issues, and supporting habitats while mitigating flood risk.The PPME will comprise:-o Submission of the Supplier Questionnaire (please see Appendix A) following the instructions in the PPME document. Supplier Questionnaire must be received by 20th May 2024. o Organisations which feel that they may be able to deliver the Outcomes and would like to attend an individual meeting with the Council should email their request by Wednesday 22nd May 2024.


Publish date

11 months ago

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Hertfordshire County Council

Strategic Procurement Group

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