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WAS-ITT-45445 - Design and retro-fit a Hatch to near side Perspex screen of a Renault Master Ambulan



Coach Glass Ltd T/A Cymru Autoglazing


NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, hosted by Velindre NHS Trust and on behalf of Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust require a contractor to design and retro-fit a sliding Hatch to the current Perspex screening installed on Renault Master Ambulances. The Hatch will be fitted between the near side drivers side cabin and rear patient salon. Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust recognises the importance of the Welsh language to the communities it serves. Consequently, responses to an invitation to quote or tender will be accepted in Welsh as well as English. However, please note that tender responses submitted only in Welsh will be translated by the Trust into English before consideration. Those involved in translating the document will be barred from taking decisions on awarding tenders. Full details outlining the scope of the works are contained within the eTender Wales Invitation to Tender. The tender will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender based on 20% quality and 80% cost as detailed in the ITT document. Please note that the tender closing date is 08/10/20 at midday and any late submissions will not be considered. The etenderwales bravosolution ref : project_45445 and itt_83558 Please direct all queries relating to this tender via the messaging function of the Bravo portal. More details can be found at


Award date

4 years ago

Publish date

4 years ago

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