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AT1329 Wandon Park Housing Development - Meet the Buyer



17,500,000 GBP


Luton Borough Council is working on behalf of Foxhall Homes Ltd who propose to develop land at Wandon park, Haylings Drive, Luton, LU2 8DX, to provide a mix of 60 residential dwellings, consisting of 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-bedroom houses, and 2-bedroom maisonettes, external works, and associated services. The proposed scheme aims to deliver 28% affordable homes and 72% market homes which offer a high standard of sustainable accommodation set within an attractive landscaped environment. The proposal is vital to providing additional housing to meet Luton's housing need as identified in the latest Local Plan 2011-2031. The proposal shall be a mix of affordable and private units. The proposal has obtained Planning Permission (19/01233/FUL). Recently Luton Borough Council have made an additional Non-material Planning Amendment Application Ref 24/00169 to seek approval for some adjustments of plots 27 to 43, due to the revised gas pipe location. Foxhall Homes Ltd. seek to appoint a main contractor to develop the project to a RIBA Stage 4 design and Stage 5 Construction. The supplier shall act as a Main Contractor responsible for the design and construction of all units, associated external works, and statutory services/connections, operating under a JCT Design and Build Contract 2016 incorporating Special Conditions. Foxhall Homes Ltd is keen to work with a pro-active, client focused and intelligent contractor who can deliver excellent value, high quality products in a collaborative way whilst mitigating the impact on the town and neighbours. The Contactor is to be minimum BIM Level 2 compliant following ISO19650 standards. Details to follow appointment via BEP (post contract) & EIR (Exchange Information Requirements). All data will be shared through Autodesk Docs as the CDE (Common Data Environment) and approval/review workflows to be agreed from early stages. The supply chain is to follow with BIM Level 2/ ISO19650 compliance. The procurement for development is a two-stage process of which completion of the Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) is the first stage. Applications are welcome from anyone with relevant experience in delivering residential led development as a Main Contractor. Applications will be assessed a set of criteria and the top 5 scoring suppliers will be shortlisted to the second stage of the procurement process, the Invitation to Tender (ITT). If you would like to attend this even which will held via Microsoft Teams on Monday 27th January 2025 between 2-3.30pm please email and you will be sent a calendar invite.


Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Luton Council

Caroline Sturman

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