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Provision of continuous evaluation of LEADER projects



Menter Môn is a not for profit social enterprise that seeks opportunities to provide solutions to the socio-economic challenges faced by rural communities in Anglesey. Since it was established in 1995 the company has attracted more than £70 million of public funding to deliver projects which have had a demonstrable impact on people’s lives. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS: The ‘What is LEADER’ document provides an overview of the programme and outlines the approach being adopted by Menter Môn. Learning and sharing lessons has always been a key component of LEADER, and this has happened on a programme level and at an individual project level by staff. We are therefore looking to appoint a suitably qualified company to work alongside the team to support with the ongoing evaluation of individual projects. Designing the evaluation: As part of the process of developing the intervention we must define what we are seeking to learn, what information is required and how it should be collected. The appointed consultants should work with the staff to develop an evaluation methodology for each project e.g. questionnaires, face to face interviews, collection of data. The main role of the consultants will be to outline the methodology, and the project staff will be largely responsible for coordinating the work. There will be a specialist aspect to some of the projects; however, there is no need for consultants to demonstrate specialist technical knowledge. For example, an evaluation of a ‘Farm Security’ project should focus on the success of the intervention rather than the merits of the technology used. Where there is a technical aspect to a project this will procured separately. The evaluation report: Once a project (or phase) has been completed the appointed consultant will be tasked with preparing the evaluation report. This should follow a consistent format and will be made publicly available on the Menter Mon and Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig website. The level detail should be commensurate with the scale of the projects. Presenting the findings: Sharing lessons learnt is the most important element of any LEADER project and therefore this requires an engaging and varied approach. In the past this has been done through short films, social media, infographics, reports and events. The appointed consultant will be expected to make recommendations on the method (or methods) that should be used to present the findings based on the following: The audience or audiences we are trying to reach The type of intervention The type of information being presented The appointed consultant is also expected to provide guidance on the content e.g. subjects to be covered in a short film, outline agenda for an event. We would expect the staff, including our Marketing Officer, to deliver much of this work; however, the consultants may also be required to create content on occasions e.g. infographics and progress will be determined by success of each. There are 3 distinct work packages. These are as follows: a. Designing the evaluation - What are we going to measure and how are we going to measure it b. The evaluation report – Standard format to collate, interpret and present findings c. Presentation of findings – Engaging and interesting format to share lessons learnt with various audiences.


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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Menter Môn Cyf

Aaron Warren

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