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Pharmacy Provision - Dispensing Service in Prison



Provision of a safe and effective on-site Pharmacy dispensing service compliant with regulatory and best practice standards, mirroring those in the community at HMP Peterborough. Lot 1: The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to alert potential suppliers to an opportunity in relation to provision of pharmacy services for Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), as part of integrated NHS healthcare provision at HMP Peterborough. The successful Subcontractor will work closely with the Head Provider and its Subcontractors, in particular GPs, Mental health team, the Primary Care and Substance misuse teams to provide a safe and effective on-site Pharmacy dispensing service compliant with regulatory and best practice standards, mirroring those in the community at HMP Peterborough, as per the Head Contract. The requirement is multi-faceted and notably includes: • On-site Pharmacy and pharmaceutical supply service. • Supply of stock medicines for clinical services. • Supply of a range of pre-packed medicines and over-labelled medicines. • Dispensing of medicines to patients. • Medicines optimisation including administering in -possession medications to patients. • Provision of financial management, prescription activity and clinical management information monthly, or as required. NHFT presently expect the service will be best served by a single supplier partner, or consortia bid, though are keen to maximize the opportunity for competition in the best interest of patients and for potential suppliers to engage in response to this PIN with alternative approaches. The minimum initial fixed term contract duration shall be 31 months from 1st September 2025 to 31st March 2028 with an optional 2 x 12-month extension period. NHFT require service commencement by the preferred bidder by 1st September 2025. The procurement timeline will require the successful bidder to mobilise within the period from contract award (Award will be April 2025), all required licensing and regulatory registrations and staff vetting will need to be in place prior to service commencement. The supplier will also need to be GPhC registered. His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service Enhanced Level 2 vetting is required for all staff. Suppliers WILL NEED TO REGISTER on Delta e sourcing portal to have access to tender documentation


Publish date

2 months ago

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Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Cathy Headland

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