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External Audit Services (2023-2026)



Chiene + Tait LLP


69,500 GBP


The principal requirement is for the provision of an external audit service for the years 2023-2026. The successful supplier will independently audit the statutory financial statements of Ardenglen Housing Association Ltd and subsidiaries, including consolidated financial statements of the Group, for compliance with applicable law, auditing and accounting standards and the needs of our lenders in respect of loan covenants. The primary role of the external auditors will be to: -Prepare an external audit plan outlining the auditor’s approach to carrying out the audit of AHA. -Report on the Association’s financial statements and to carry out whatever examination of the statements, underlying records and control systems considered necessary to reach an opinion on the statements. The auditor’s report should state whether in its opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view, are prepared in accordance with relevant accounting practices and comply with all relevant legislation and guidance. -Advise on compliance with relevant professional, legal and regulatory standards and guidance issued by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The auditor is expected to be familiar with all such matters and be pro-active in providing advice on relevant changes in these areas and the impact of these for AHA. - Liaise with the Internal Auditor as necessary. - Review and report on the Board’s statement on internal financial control. -Report key audit findings regarding any significant weaknesses in accounting and internal control systems identified during the course of the audit in a Management Letter to the Audit & Risk Committee and Board. -Carry out an audit of the financial statements in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) as they are applicable to the external audit and form an opinion on these. -Implement a system of quality control and performance management that will allow the auditor to carry out the engagement to the standard required. -Completion of corporation tax returns and their submission if required. -Certification of lenders’ covenant performance. -Attendance at AHA’s Annual General Meeting with a report presentation.


Award date

a year ago

Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

Ardenglen Housing Association Ltd.

Karen Fee

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