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S1107 (2025) - Provision of Vehicle Damage Repair



Wrights Accident Repair Centres Ltd


500,000 GBP


NIE Networks has a requirement to maintain a safe and roadworthy fleet. As part of this obligation it is necessary to carry out timely and proper repairs to vehicles that have been damaged as a result of accident. It is intended that the majority of this contract therefore will consist of carrying out accident and body repairs to vehicles at a time and to a specification agreed between the vehicle supplier and NIE Networks, and also to carry out end of contract reconditioning work as agreed between the fleet supplier and NIE Networks. All vehicle damage repair works carried out will form part of the overall Framework Agreement. The framework agreement will be established for a period of three years with an option (exercisable entirely at NIE Networks sole discretion) to extend for a further period of up to two years – potentially five (5) years in total. Lot 1: NIE Networks has a requirement to maintain a safe and roadworthy fleet. As part of this obligation it is necessary to carry out timely and proper repairs to vehicles that have been damaged as a result of accident. Following completion of the procurement process, NIE Networks wished to establish a framework agreement with a suitably qualified and experienced service provider for this requirement. A framework agreement for all Services will be directly awarded to the first placed tenderer submitting the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) for this requirement. The framework agreement will be established for a period of three years with an option (exercisable entirely at NIE Networks sole discretion) to extend for a further period of up to two years – potentially five (5) years in total.


Award date

8 days ago

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Northern Ireland Electricity Networks


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