Pre-market engagement N/A Work done so far The Trust has draft versions of an OBS based on previous EPR procurement experience to form a starting point for this work. Which phase the project is in Not applicable Existing team The successful supplier will work with all applicable internal departments to deliver EPR System Address where the work will be done Whiston and Southport Hospital Locations Working arrangements Mixture of on site and remote working, further clarification will be given at Stage 2. Expenses need to be included within the proposal. Provide more information about your security requirements: No security clearance needed Latest start date 2023-10-01 Enter the expected contract length: 1 year Extension period: 6 months Are you prepared to show your budget details?: No Confirm if you require a contracted out service or supply of resource Contracted out service: the off-payroll rules do not apply Summary of work Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (MWL) was formed on 1st July 2023 as a result of the joining together of the former Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust (S&O) and St Helens and Knowsley NHS Teaching Trust (StHK). The Trust has developed a business case for investment in a new EPR to replace the two legacy systems from the former S&O and StHK Trusts. Implementation of a single EPR is recognised as key to the successful operation of the organisation and to achievement of the benefits of forming a new, single organisation. The Trust currently uses two instances of the CareFlow EPR provided by SystemC, though the deployment at the former StHK sites is more mature. Neither of the existing contracts are capable of being extended to incorporate the other and therefore in line with Public Contract Regulations and national strategy a procurement must be undertaken for a new single EPR for the Trust with the intention that this ‘levels up’ the digital provision for former S&O sites to the standard provided at former StHK sites. The Trusts require consultancy support for: 1. The development of an Output Based Specification (OBS) and Invitation to Tender (ITT) pack. 2. The delivery of the procurement including preparation and delivery of evaluation, approval of the procurement outcome and contract preparation. Where the supplied staff will work North West England Who the organisation using the products or services is MERSEY AND WEST LANCASHIRE TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST Why the work is being done The Trust has developed a business case for investment in a new EPR to replace the two legacy systems from the former S&O and StHK Trusts. Implementation of a single EPR is recognised as key to the successful operation of the organisation and to achievement of the benefits of forming a new, single organisation. The Trust currently uses two instances of the CareFlow EPR provided by SystemC, though the deployment at the former StHK sites is more mature. Neither of the existing contracts are capable of being extended to incorporate the other and therefore in line with Public Contract Regulations and national strategy a procurement must be undertaken for a new single EPR for the Trust with the intention that this ‘levels up’ the digital provision for former S&O sites to the standard provided at former StHK sites. The business problem you need to solve Procurement of an EPR System First user type: Trust Wide Stakeholders Enter more details about this user type: Stakeholders will be a broad selection of Clinical and Non Clinical Staff Questions and Clarifications 0. We understand that deployment experience and insights are important elements to inform OBS and procurement support. However, can the Authority please explain the relevance of requiring deployment experience on page 5 of attachment 1? Specifically, we would be interested to learn why the Authority considers that experience to be so relevant to a contract for OBS and procurement support to require it in a team member (as opposed to requiring suppliers to demonstrate how they will reflect this experience in all that they do)? The Authority considers this experience to be directly relevant to the successful preparation and execution of the procurement and suppliers may demonstrate this experience however they wish. Responses will be evaluated based on the criteria provided. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T12:48:46.685173Z</strong> 1. For the avoidance of doubt, can the Authority please confirm that responses to the 3 ‘Essential Skills and experience’ questions on page 5 of attachment 1 are all that is required for submission on 4 September? We can confirm that responses to the submission required on the 4th September are contained on page 5 of attachment 1 and also in attachment 3. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T12:44:11.979345Z</strong> 2. Does the Authority wish to specify word count limits for the 3 ‘Essential Skills and experience’ questions on page 5 of attachment 1? There is a 750 character limit against each criteria in the Essential and Nice to have skills and experience sections. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T12:45:19.120996Z</strong> 3. In order to inform fixed pricing proposals, could the Authority please clarify each of the following which, collectively, have a material pricing impact: a. Does the Authority have a preference for the procurement route to be used for the proposed EPR procurement e.g. mini-competition via a Framework (and if so which) or using the Find a Tender Service (and if so which procedure)? b. Can the Authority please provide additional information surrounding the deliverables required from the successful supplier? c. Leading on from the above, can the Authority also please clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of the successful supplier and the Authority and, specifically, the deliverables and key contributions which the Authority will be responsible for? d. Can the Authority please clarify the statement ‘delivery of evaluation’ on page 2 of attachment 1. Does this signify the fact that the Authority will require the successful supplier to be responsible for undertaking the evaluation? Alternatively, does it signify the fact that the Authority will require the successful supplier to support the Authority’s evaluation in a significant manner? e. We recognise that the Authority has stated on page 4 of attachment 1 that it intends to clarify the mix of on-site and remote working at stage 2. However, it would be helpful to have this clarity now to inform pricing. Is that possible, please? A: The Authority preference is for a mini competition via a framework procurement, the final framework selection is yet to be made. B& C: Expected supplier and authority deliverables are provided separately. The authority does not expect the successful supplier to undertake evaluation activities but to facilitate the evaluation process including moderation. It is not possible to state mix of on site and remote working precisely but the authority expects supplier only to work on site where procurement events and in person meetings demand it. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T12:47:23.455246Z</strong> 4. We understand that deployment experience and insights are important elements to inform OBS and procurement support. However, can the Authority please explain the relevance of requiring deployment experience on page 5 of attachment 1? Specifically, we would be interested to learn why the Authority considers that experience to be so relevant to a contract for OBS and procurement support to require it in a team member (as opposed to requiring suppliers to demonstrate how they will reflect this experience in all that they do)? The Authority considers this experience to be directly relevant to the successful preparation and execution of the procurement and suppliers may demonstrate this experience however they wish. Responses will be evaluated based on the criteria provided. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:04:33.450702Z</strong> 5. Can the Authority please clarify whether the business case will be made available to shortlisted suppliers? The business case contains commercially sensitive information and will NOT be made available to short listed suppliers. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:15:45.455379Z</strong> 6. Can the Authority please clarify whether the business case referenced on page 2 of attachment 1 was prepared internally or whether external support was involved, or, prepared the case? The business case was prepared using a combination of internal and external resources. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:16:56.548363Z</strong> 7. In Attachment 3, it states “750 character count in any response”. Please can you confirm that there is a 750 character count for each of the three questions and does the character limit include or exclude spaces? As standard on DOS6 procurements, there is a 750 character limit which includes spaces given per criteria in your Essential and Nice to have skills and experience sections. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:19:40.745224Z</strong> 8. In Attachment 2, page 3 it states “use this attachment to provide your responses to the Essential and Nice-to-have criteria”. However we think it is Attachment 3 where we answer the three shortlisting questions? Attachment 3 contains the questions bidders need to respond to. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:20:33.906841Z</strong> 9. Please can you give an indication on the budget? We cannot give an indication of budget. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:21:23.888176Z</strong> 10. In Attachment 1, it states that the "latest start date is 01-10-2023" whereas in the table at the end of the same document is states "contract start 30-10-2023". Also in Attachment 1, please clarify the expected contract length as it appears to be 1 year or 6 months? The correct start date for the contract is estimated to be 30th October 2023 as per the timelines for completion in attachment 1. Apologies for any confusion. The expected contract length is 1 year. The 6 month line is a potential extension period should the project encounter any delays. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:22:11.695606Z</strong> 11. Please can you answer the following clarification questions: 1. Please confirm whether the word count per question response is 750 characters or 750 words. Document attachment 3 references characters. 2. Are images/graphics included in the word count? 3. What is the total expected contract duration? Attachment 1 references a period of one year, and a second period of 6 months but it is not clear what this split is related to. 4. Please confirm what format submissions should be in e.g. PDF, Microsoft Word, populated in the portal 5. Please confirm where and it what format suppliers should submit indicative pricing The word count is 750 characters. At stage one there is a 750 character limit and no charts or graphs will be accepted or considered. The expected contract length is 1 year. The 6 month line is a potential extension period should the project encounter any delays. Multiple types of files can be submitted to CAS but Word would be preferable. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:23:17.492137Z</strong> 12. When completing Attachment 3, the 3 first stage questions, are we allowed to include images in our answer? If yes, will the characters in the image count towards the 750 limit? No images should be included in the first stage. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:23:55.225771Z</strong> 13. For phase one evaluation are you just looking for a response to the first three essential skills questions? For question one, would a team that has experience from mobilisation through to go-live be acceptable? We can confirm that responses to the submission required on the 4th September are contained on page 5 of attachment 1 and also in attachment 3. Scoring is detailed within Attachment 1. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-23T13:24:42.031579Z</strong> 14. Could the authority please detail which SystemC components it is currently using? And if there are any areas where SystemC does not provide necessary functionality - or alternatively where the Authority would like to enhance a capability e.g. BI or even AI? This question is not relevant to this stage of the project and the requirements set out. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-25T08:11:30.757257Z</strong> 15. The Nice-to-have skills and experience in both attachments 3 and 1 is "not specified". Can you please provide further clarification on what you would like to see here? For stage 1 all we require is a response to the 3 questions under Essential skills and experience Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-25T08:13:08.275323Z</strong> 16. We have the following questions: 1. Can we clarify that you are looking to replace the Careflow EPR that you have at both sites as the existing contract cannot be extended? 2. Can you confirm that you are only looking for a contract length of 1 year for this new solution? That the contract length is 12 months post installation? 3. If the answer to the above is Yes, what are your plans after the 12 month period? 4. Can we confirm that you are looking for suppliers to respond to questions 1-3 for Essential Skills and Experience and that these are Yes/No answers. (in appendix 1) 5. Can you confirm that you want suppliers to answer questions 1-5 in Technical Criteria and one question in Cultural Fit Question? (in Appendix 1) 6. Can you confirm that you want the same information provided in Appendix 1 ‘Essential Skills and Experience’ in Appendix 3 ‘Essential Skills and Experience’ 7. Can you confirm that once suppliers have completed the questions in Appendix 1 and Appendix 3 and submitted by the deadline that the Trust will then evaluate those responses and invite 3 suppliers to a mini competition for the 12 month EPR contract? The Trusts requirements are contained within the Summary of the work detailed within Attachment 1. This project is solely for consultancy support as stated and not for an EPR system. The contract length of this support is estimated to be 12 months. Stage 1 requires suppliers to only respond to questions 1-3 under Essential skills and experience. Each question has a 750 character limited. Technical criteria responses will only be required for those suppliers who progress to stage 2. Timescales are provided within Attachment 1 and 3. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-25T08:14:46.504308Z</strong> 17. We have some clarification questions for this procurement: 1. For the initial 4th September submission should bidders respond to all the questions listed in Attachment 3 (three questions only) OR are we expected to respond to the questions listed in Attachment 1 (nine questions and a fixed priced quote)? 2. Is there a response document that bidders are expected to use? 3. Attachment 3 states “If you exceed the 750 character count in any response your application may be considered non-compliant and rejected”. (a) Can you confirm that the limit is number of characters not the number of words?; (b) Is the limit 750 characters per question? For the 4th September submission bidders are expected to respond to the 3 questions listed under the essential skills and experience section in Attachment 1 and detailed again at Attachment 3. No specified format for responses but the file would be preferably in word. The limit is 750 characters (not number of words) per question. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-25T08:16:11.371482Z</strong> 18. In response to clarification Q4 b & c, your response states: "Expected supplier and authority deliverables are provided separately." Is this an additional document? The current definition does not provide the required granularity and whilst this is not required for stage 1 of your further competition, a more detailed list will be a critical input to our pricing (should we be shortlisted) and wondered whether this will provided as part of stage 2? Alternatively we would happy to provide a list of deliverables that underpin our pricing as part of stage 2, again should we be shortlisted. Additional information will be provided to short listed bidders as part of stage 2. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-29T08:47:04.39961Z</strong> 19. Is it permissible to provide more than one example in response to the technical questions? The technical questions are part of stage 2 so do not require a response as part of stage 1. Please respond to Attachment 3 as part of stage 1. Last Updated: <strong>2023-08-29T08:49:52.107522Z</strong>
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