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Historic Royal Palaces Digital Visitor Guide Hardware and Services provision



1,200,000 GBP


HRP will be running a tender process with the intention of awarding a contract for the provision of Audio-Guide Hardware and Operational services for guided tours for our visitors. To support and deliver multimedia guide devices and associated hardware, across three of their sites. Included in the contract will be an agreement for IT Support and Maintenance provision for all sites. There is also a requirement for an operational managed service for staff resource at Tower of London only. Lot 1: Historic Royal Palaces (HRP) is a registered charity, responsible for the care, conservation, and presentation of HM Tower of London (TOL), Hampton Court Palace (HCP), Kensington Palace State Apartments, (KP) the Banqueting House at Whitehall (BH), Kew Palace (KEW) and Hillsborough Castle and Gardens, (HCG) the official residence of HM The King in Northern Ireland and residence of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.   HRP is an independent charity, receiving no government funding and derives its income principally from admissions, retail, licensing, commercial events, sponsorship and support from donors and members. HRP is a charity for everyone. We are committed to preserving and sharing the stories of our six magnificent palaces and making them accessible to all. Through partnerships, innovation, and storytelling, we strive to break down barriers, inspire curiosity and stir the spirit in people of all ages and backgrounds HRP will be running a tender process with the intention of awarding a contract for the provision of audio-guide Hardware and operational services for guided tours for visitors. To support and deliver multimedia guide devices and associated hardware, across three of their sites. Included in the contract will be an agreement for IT Support and Maintenance provision for all sites. There is also a requirement for an operational managed service for staff resource at Tower of London only. The contract requirement is outlined, as detailed below. (a) provide Equipment and Software (excluding content app delivery) to all three ‘HRP’ sites; (b) provide Maintenance and IT Support Services; (c) provide Digital Visitor Guide Operating Services on-site (TOL) These audio/multimedia guides should be developed and tested ready to be launched by November 2025. The contract will include the installation and ongoing maintenance, covers proactive and reactive maintenance of the hardware, including replacement where required. The new multimedia guide solution and operational services will be contracted for a period of five years. The full invitation to tender will be published on contracts finder on 1 April 2025. It is the intention of HRP to offer a refreshed and modernised multimedia guide to all visitors to Hampton Court Palace, Kensington Palace and Tower of London, but for an additional fee at Tower of London only. The requirements include but are not limited to: Provision of 900 handsets at Kensington Palace, 500 Hampton Court and 1200 at Tower of London, peripherals including headsets, Charging racks and other solution hardware. A managed service for the day-to-day sales of the devices at Tower of London. A Maintenance and IT Support service agreement for all three sites. HRP reserves the right to adjust the timescales for any reason necessary to ensure that a fair and equal process is followed. HRP may at its sole discretion exercise this option. Additional information: To respond to this opportunity please click here: Tenderers who express their interest will be issued with a selection questionnaire (SQ). Responses to the SQ will be evaluated against the criteria detailed in the SQ and suppliers who are successfully selected to continue through to the invitation to tender (ITT) phase will be issued with the ITT Pack.


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Historic Royal Palaces

Kelly Jefferys

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