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Staff Absence Protection and Reimbursement Services



30,000,000 GBP


This proposal for Staff Absence Protection is a retender of the current CPC Staff Absence Protection & Reimbursement Framework which expires 23/05/2025. Any resulting framework from this exercise will be available to all further education institutions, universities, sixth forms, academies, schools, museums and other similar organisations who are current and future CPC members Local Authorities may wish to use the resulting framework when procuring on behalf of Educational Establishments. Lot 1: CPC intends to put a framework agreement in place with multiple suppliers for the provision of staff absence management through insurance and discretionary mutual arrangements, including risk management services to meet the cost of planned and unexpected staff absence within educational establishments. Specialist insurance advice for the life of this framework agreement will be provided by our partner Risk2Value Ltd (R2V). It is expected that policies will be flexible and tailored to individual requirements, which will allow Institutions to determine their own benefit and excess periods. Coverage by insurance providers/brokers or a discretionary mutual arrangement should be offered for (but need not be limited to) absences caused by the following circumstances: • Accident • Illness • Compassionate leave • Jury service • Suspension • Maternity/paternity • Adoption • Bereavement • Mental health • Stranded staff • Hazardous sports/winter activities • Pre-existing conditions • Other ongo


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Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)


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