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BHIVE - Heat Networks Investment Vehicle



The aim of the BHIVE DPS is to establish a competitively procured arrangement that will facilitate investment (equity and asset finance) into Heat Network projects and provide projects with access to an investor base with the experience, appetite and capabilities to deliver successful heat network projects. BEIS would expect the DPS to be utilised by Potential Providers (suppliers) to provide investment (equity and asset finance) and ancillary services to support the delivery of Heat Network projects. The BHIVE DPS will be open to all public sector in England and Wales only. Further Information can be accessed via The BHIVE DPS will be accepting applications until the 31st March 2025. Additional information: The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has exercised its option to extend the BHIVE Dynamic Purchasing System ("DPS") for a further 2 years as contemplated in the original Contract Finder notice. The BHIVE DPS will now expire on the 31 March 2025. Alongside the extension, the Department has taken the opportunity to update the BHIVE guidance documentation to better reflect the ability of Lot 1 funders to assist in the commercialisation of earlier stage projects. Further guidance has been provided for DPS customers on the requirements of the Investment Summary and the scoping of services under Lot 1 for earlier stage heat network projects.


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4 years ago

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Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

Heat Networks Team

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