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NHS SY ICB - Rotherham Place - Minor Eye Care Services



Connect Healthcare Rotherham CIC


642,000 GBP


Lot 1: It was the intention that a Single Point of access using a digital platform, which also presents the option of onward referral including other services traditionally delivered in Primary Care would be procured from 1 April 2025 on a SY wide basis. However, due to financial pressures within the ICB and therefore unable to progress through a route for investment for the planning round 2025/26, places have no alternative but to procure services locally until this is resolved.<br/>Considering the circumstances and the timescales of undertaking a full procurement a Modification notice is required to allow for this work to be undertaken.<br/>All places have agreed to work collaboratively to progress this in developing a SY ICB service specification for Community Eye Care alongside progressing the SPA option.<br/><br/>The modification will be an extension of current services with the existing provider. The proposed length of the contract will be for additional 24 months with a 3 month break clause and will commence on 1 April 2025 and end on 31 March 2027. The additional value of the contract based on the indicative contract budget will be £264,000.<br/><br/>The contact is activity based and has always remained well within the contract budget value.


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in 28 days

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NHS South Yorkshire ICB

Procurement dep[artment

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