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DE - 2951082 - Appointment Of Integrated Supply Team For Strangford College



17,500 GBP


The project is for the design, supply, delivery, receiving, off-loading, setting into position, fixing, erection, building testing, commissioning and finishing in every respect of the new Post-Primary School for 670 pupils to include external hard play, synthetic and grass pitches, tennis courts, Sports Hall, School Meals Accommodation, car and bus parking and drop-off and a new entrance onto Abbey Road. The design has been completed to RIBA Stage 3. The successful IST will be responsible for completing RIBA Stage 4 onwards. It is proposed to construct the new school on the existing site with the grass pitches being developed on a newly purchased site adjacent to the existing. There are no established site services on the additional site. The main school building will be located on the middle portion of the site slightly further back on the site than the current main building of the School. It is anticipated that extensive phasing will be required with the school remaining fully operational during the construction period. By facilitating a phased development, a portion of the new school buildings are constructed on part of the footprint of the existing school buildings. This allows for a more efficient use of the site with no diversion of the mains sewer necessary. The estimated programme for the works is of the order of 32 months. Full details of the works and services required will be provided in the Tender Documents.


Publish date

5 years ago

Close date

5 years ago

Buyer information

Department of Finance


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