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Streetscene, Grounds Maintenance and Highways Sweeping



700,000 GBP


Please note : Amendments made to the following invitation to tender 10. Termination l) If due to any unforeseen circumstance beyond Westbury Town Council control, making the contract not viable. 11. Variation d) Any variations to the contract specifications/scope of works will have a 3 month notice in writing detailing the change. e) Any financial impact from the variation will also run in conjunction with the 3 month notice Westbury Town Council have agreed to the service devolution and asset transfer from Wiltshire Council. As from 1st January 2025, Westbury Town Council(WTC) will be responsible for all the streetscene, grounds maintenance and highways sweeping. The contract is for 5 years with the potential of an extension for another maximum 3 years. Full details in specification/scope of works. Point 20 Cemetery services, burials and ashes are to follow in 2026. Full details in specification/scope of works. Point 26 The contract is to cover all aspects of streetscene from litter clearance, weeds, bin emptying, graffiti, fly tipping removals etc all to CoPLAR standards. Full details in specification/scope of works. Point 24 Grounds maintenance as example, grass cutting, meadow cuts, shrubs and hedges and shelterbelts. Full details in specification/scope of works. Point 25 Highways sweeping to cleanse the highways of Westbury 6 times a year clearing detritus as per CoPLAR. Full details in specification/scope of works. Point 27 Westbury Town Council are working with a Company called ABAVUS to produce an app for reporting issues and it will also be used to monitor the contract. The successful contractor will be required to use the same reporting tool. Full details in specification/scope of works. Point 12, ABAVUS contact details in Glossary Contractors must also note that the present contractor for Wiltshire Council is Idverde LTD, who will have some staff that are likely to TUPE over to the contractor. Contact details in the specification/scope of works, Glossary Please note to price the scope of works for cemetery services, burials and ashes separately, as this will not come into effect until 2026. All tenders are to be posted. The envelope is to be marked Tender for Service Devolution. The closing date for applications to be received is 23rd October by 5pm. The successful tender will be awarded week commencing 4th November 2024


Publish date

6 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Westbury Town Council

Norman Burgess

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