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Request for Tenders for ecological consultants to deliver a Long Term Strategy for the Management of National Parks and Wildlife Service owned woodlands in Glengarriff, Co. Cork.



The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) wish to commission experienced ecological consultants to deliver a Long Term (100 year) Woodland Management Strategy for the NPWS owned areas of Glengarriff Woodlands. The strategy will be based on an up-to-date survey of all of the woodland areas to assess their current ecological status and will identify the appropriate conservation management requirements in different zoned Management Areas (MAs), It will establish (inter alia) the measures, timelines and resources required to achieve Favourable Conservation Status, and detail the strategy required to respond to the identified threats , chiefly invasive species, large herbivore grazers and exotic conifers in each of the Management Areas. Recommendations on approaches that could be considered to address the threat issues on a landscape level from adjacent lands outside the NPWS boundaries will form part of the deliverables of the strategy. The completion date for the delivery of the Strategy document is October 2026 with the relevant fieldwork commencing in Q3 2025 and continuing in 2026.


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Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage

Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage

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