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Harlington Refurbishment



SUMMARY Fleet Town Council wishes to embark on a major refurbishment and re-modelling project to revitalise The Harlington performance and community building located in the centre of Fleet town, and to secure its long-term future as an important cultural, entertainment and leisure facility. The Town Council is seeking to appoint exceptional architects to work collaboratively with the Town Council, to progress the optimum design solution to reconfigure The Harlington in ways to help the Town Council achieve its vision and ensure the building's long term sustainability. Fleet Town Council is seeking a strong design partner who can translate the Council's aspirations into a design that offers value for money within the overall project budget and is able to deliver against the requirements outlined. HOW TO APPLY Due to financial thresholds and the predicted value of the contract, Fleet Town Council is required to undertake a pre-qualification for selection of potential tenderers. However, as the Tender is an open procedure, the Standard Selection Questionnaire is presented along with the Tender Document. A Standard Selection Questionnaire is included as one of the supporting documents and must be completed and submitted with your bid. The criteria for marking the Questionnaire will be Pass or Fail. Tenders from contractors that fail the Standard Selection process will not be evaluated. The top three Tenders, evaluated against the attached Tender Evaluation Sheet, will be called for an interview at a date and time to be agreed. The Tender Period will close at 5pm on Friday 17th May 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. One signed hard copy of the Tender Submission and Standard Selection Questionnaire will be submitted together with an electronic copy of the documents on a memory stick. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Tenderers are required to provide a fee proposal together with: •Three examples of recent relevant experience in refurbishment works for theatres/performing arts buildings and community buildings. (Please complete in Section 6 of the Standard Selection Questionnaire) •Relevant reference contact details from three previous projects. (Please complete in Section 6 of the Standard Selection Questionnaire) •Relevant experience in supporting and preparing material for public consultation exercises and exhibitions. •Details of the proposed team and organisation structure with supporting CVs. •A list and particulars of proposed sub-consultants. •Methodology and approach to the brief including a programme of work and a schedule of proposed manpower allocation for Phase 1 of the Project. •A response to the brief highlighting opportunities and risks. •A lump-sum fee including expenses for Phase 1 of the project. •The percentage fees (as a proportion of the final tender sum for implementation of the refurbishment works) to be applied to each of the disciplines for the delivery of Stages 2-6 of the RIBA Plan of Work 2020. Additional information: Also posted on Find a Tender - Notice reference: 2024/S 000-012062


Publish date

11 months ago

Close date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Fleet Town Council

Rochelle Halliday

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