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User Services for Emergency Services Network (ESN)





1,362,000,000 GBP


This Award Notice relates to the award of a contract the provision of User Services (US) , a managed service to be provided to the 3 Emergency Services (Police, Fire and Rescue and Ambulance) ("3ES") and other future users. Lot 1: This Award Notice relates to the award of a contract the provision of User Services (US) , a managed service to be provided to the 3 Emergency Services (Police, Fire and Rescue and Ambulance) ("3ES") and other future users. The US supplier will provide end to end systems integration (including interfaces and testing services) for the ESN including, but not limited to providing public safety communications services (including developing and operating the public safety applications), providing the necessary telecommunications infrastructure; user device management, customer support, and service management. Future users of ESN include the police, fire and rescue, and ambulance services as well as a range of other users ranging from local authorities and utility services to first responders like inshore rescue. There are 300,000+ frontline emergency service users who will depend on ESN, using handheld devices or operating equipment in 45,000 vehicles, 66+ aircraft and more than 100 control rooms. All of Mobile Services Suppliers coverage will be available for ESN with specific contract provision for the majority of roads; user defined Critical Operational Locations; up to 10,000 feet in the air and 12 nautical miles from Britain’s coastline. The services are primarily intended for use by public-sector bodies in England, Scotland, and Wales. User Organisations, including the 3ES and non-3ES Sharer Organisations. The 3ES service will be required to cover (currently): — Approximately 250,000 operational staff (with a broadly equivalent number of connected mobile communication devices taking into account the proportion of staff with a device, vehicles, and pools of spare devices) across the 3ES; — 44 Police and Crime Commissioners/services; — 50 Fire and Rescue Authorities/services; — 13 ambulance trusts; — National Crime Agency; — 3 non-Home Office Police Services (British Transport Police, Ministry of Defence Police, Civil Nuclear Constabulary); — National Police Air Service. ESN will also provide a service for more than just the 3ES however as 400+ Government and local public safety and other bodies use the current system and will potentially require the ability to use ESN. These other bodies may add up to approximately 50,000 additional connected devices, and may include the Central Government Departments, Non-Departmental Public Bodies and Agencies, Local Authorities in Great Britain and a number of charitable bodies and other organisations that interact with public safety bodies. The Authority may from time to time modify this list to reflect changes to the organisational structure of the 3ES. The initial contract term, which is [84.5 months], runs until 31st December 2031 with two options to extend for a 12 month period in each case. optional 2 years extensions in 12-month periods. The value used on the notice is an up to value and includes any potential extensions.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Home Office

ESMCP Commercial

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