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Lambeth HIV Prevention Programme - Engagement and Outreach



The London HIV Prevention Programme (LHPP) was established in 2014 as a city-wide approach to HIV prevention. It is funded by all 33 London local authorities in recognition of London's highly transient population and to capitalise on the benefits of cross-borough collaboration in public health messaging and engagement. The programme aims to reduce new HIV diagnoses and preventable HIV deaths in London by providing early access to HIV testing, promoting regular condom and PrEP use, and increased knowledge of U=U (known collectively as HIV combination prevention methods). It directly supports London's commitment to achieve the Fast-Track Cities (FTC) 'Getting to zero' ambition and the objectives of the National HIV Action plan. Lambeth council hosts the LHPP and acts as the lead commissioner on behalf of the London boroughs (as set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Lambeth and individual London boroughs) and governed by the LHPP board. All London boroughs contribute to the LHPP programme based on proportionate local HIV prevalence. The London Leaders Executive committee approved the funding of £1.08m per year for the next three years. The LHPP commissioners are currently seeking to commission a provider of Engagement and Outreach services to deliver the aims and objectives of the programme. This questionnaire is a follow up engagement following the reduction of the originally anticipated funding available for this service. We are seeking views and feedback from providers who deliver sexual health and HIV services and who may be interested in delivering this service to help inform the focus of the new service specification for the GBMSM outreach and engagement service in London. The new available budget for this service is £275,000 per annum and the contract duration is up to 3 years. The deadline to complete this brief survey is Friday 22 March 2024


Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Lambeth

Jennifer Beturin

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