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Community Care and Support Contract (Home Care, Extra Care, Social Opportunities and support for Unpaid Carers)



188,831,580 GBP


Stoke-on-Trent City Council are looking to procure a Community Care and Support Framework which will cover Home Care, Extra Care, Social Opportunities and support for Unpaid Carers. The Framework is based on a locality model and Providers will be expected to have an office within Stoke-on-Trent or 2 miles from the border. Providers must have a CQC rating of 'Good' or above. Providers that have not been inspected or have received a rating below 'Good' prior to May 2023, will still be able to bid but will be subject to enhanced quality monitoring. The aim of the service is to support residents of Stoke-on-Trent with eligible care and support needs to remain as independent as possible, for as long as possible in their own home. Providers will be expected to integrate into the community that you are working in, understand all of the community resources that you can draw on to support someone and improve their wellbeing. The Framework will cover a number of LOTs aligned to the Locality Teams in Stoke-on-Trent. Providers that bid for Home Care (LOT 1) will have the opportunity to bid for Extra Care (LOT 2) of which there are currently 8 schemes across the locality areas. This is an excellent opportunity for Providers to significantly enhance their business model and opens up opportunities to utilise the Extra Care Setting more effectively to support service users not only in the Extra Care Scheme but in the wider community. There will also be city-wide LOTS for Providers to offer Social Opportunities and dedicated support for Unpaid Carers. There will not be a limit on the number of LOTS that Providers can bid for, however, we do expect to see a clear distinction with how Providers will work within each locality should they choose to deliver across multiple areas. (4 Lots with Lot 1 having 4 sub lots and Lot 2 having 8 sub Lots not individually listed at this point as this is a PIN notice and an invitation to meet with the Council to discuss Lots and Structure). Whilst financial modelling is still to be confirmed, the indicative set rates are as follows (per hour): Home Care: £22.80 Extra Care: £19.42 Carers Support: £22.80 Social Opportunities: £20.61 with additional 1:1 / 2:1 rate and an enhanced rate where applicable. We will hold a bidder's day via Microsoft Teams on 9th January 2025 please email to register your interest, the link to join the event will be sent 24 hours in advance. Contact name: Care and Support Contract 18+ Email: Lot 1: The council wishes to continue fulfilling its current services to the same high standard, though recognises the need to engage with the innovative providers within the market to better understand the wider offer which may be available in an ever-developing area. If you are interested in any further discussions regarding this notice please contact, with the reference 'Care and Support Contract 18+ Notice' where additional details can be discussed.


Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Stoke-on-Trent City Council

Christopher Conway

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