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ST22-P083 SLaM Digital Developers



Summary of the work Maintenance and further development of two clinical research applications to be used by children and adolescents who access child and adolescent mental health services and their parents and children and adolescents taking part in mental health research. Expected Contract Length 2 years Latest start date Thursday 1 September 2022 Budget Range Between £30-£50,000 per year Why the Work is Being Done The CAMHS Digital Lab has developed two web and mobile apps that supports the recruiting and retaining of child and adolescent mental health research cohorts and the collection of real time outcome and experience data. This data will be used to better inform mental health interventions and clinical care for children and adolescents. Problem to Be Solved In CAMHS, caregivers are routinely asked to complete outcome measures about their child's symptoms. These measures have traditionally been paper based but this traditional method puts administrative burden on NHS services and on the caregiver who must complete these measures during their appointments or send them in the post. This is also the case in research cohorts where measures are often retrospective and therefore prone to bias and not reflective of real time changes in mood as it is related to day to day events. Who Are the Users As a clinician, I need to collect routine outcome measures in a simple, efficient and secure way so that I can provide high quality care As a caregiver I need to provide routine outcome measures pertaining to my child in a way that does not overly burden my every day life As a young person, I need a simple and secure way to take part in research so that researchers and clinicians can recognise patterns of particular moods experienced by children and adolescents and design appropriate interventions. Early Market Engagement There has been a consultation with a software development company to determine the resources needed to maintain the current applications. Work Already Done MyHealthE – The app has been developed and tested and is currently being implemented in four SLaM boroughs. MyJournE - Two iterations of the app have been developed and used in one feasibility project and one full scale research project. This contract will be for the maintenance of these applications for use in future projects and the development of new features ns for use in future projects Existing Team Clinical research team at the CAMHS Digital Lab Kings College London Current Phase Live Skills & Experience • Significant, demonstrable experience full lifecycle of development of large public facing remote clinical tools/applications and design • Full service digital agency with full range of roles including design, IA, UX, technical, content strategy, project management, analytics • Experience running UX/design workshops with staff, service users/stakeholders to understand their needs & agile user testing appropriate times to make sure that solution meets needs • Experience of working with large NHS/public sector organisations, knowledge of health technology environment & evolving technical standards from NHS Digital • Evidence of providing products that meet NHS data assurance standards for cyber attacks • Evidence of creating and producing clinical digital / animated information that supports digital inclusion and content types that optimise engagement • Can demonstate experience of rapid turnaround delivery, partciularly with unique aspects currently experienced due to COVID • Ability to deliver high quality but low technical maintenance digital solutions - environments (QA, UAT mirror of production) • Evidence of delivering effective training on the use of solutions - training for different levels of staff / user (eg teachers) should be offered to support initial rollout • Can demonstrate full compliance with government’s accessibility standards for public sector websites, in line with WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility standard (without compromising design quality) GDPR and EU regulations • Can provide options for translation • Evidence of providing options for personalisation and user authentication • Demonstrate experience complying with Checkmark • Can demonstrate process for keeping application components up to date • Experience with delivering solutions meeting the needs of NHS CAMHS, i.e. mental health and wellbeing of children/young people alongside parents/carers • Experience with the Firebase platform where the apps are currently hosted • Experience of PHP, specifically Laravel engine. • Experience building dynamic app based questionnaires Nice to Haves • Experience of supporting and working with applications that are reflective of mental healthcare • Familiarity with the Marmalade Suite content management system Work Location Denmark Hill South London Working Arrangments Convenient dedicated location, ideally in South London to allow efficient co-design. Able to work using hybrid meeting arrangements. No reliance on remote working developers with time zone differences. Security Clearance They should have experience of holding NHS or University affiliations No. of Suppliers to Evaluate 3 Proposal Criteria • technical solution • approach and methodology • how the approach or solution meets user needs • value for money • estimated timeframes for the work Cultural Fit Criteria Good understanding of the culture of young people of South East London Payment Approach Capped time and materials Assessment Method • Case study • Work history Evaluation Weighting Technical competence 60% Cultural fit 20% Price 20% Questions from Suppliers No questions have been answered yet.


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