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Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Travel and Transport Services for Children's Services and Adult Social Care & Health Services



30,000,000 GBP


The London Borough of Bexley is putting in place a DPS for Travel and Transport Services with Services provided by a number of potential providers. Transport Providers that will be commissioned via the Council's Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). The DPS is open to anyone subject to successful Accreditation. Additional information is available via Lot 1: The London Borough of Bexley is intending to use a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the procurement of Travel and Transport Services for Children's and Adult Social Care & Health Services. The Council are looking to open up our access to the market through the use of a DPS, where new suppliers can join an approved list at any time throughout the lifetime of the contract. The contract runs for 3 years 4 months (1st April 2025 - 31st July 2028). Only those suppliers that meet Bexley's minimum quality criteria will be invited to tender for individual contracts through the DPS. Once a supplier has enrolled the DPS they will benefit from the process efficiencies that come with the use of a technology platform. This includes self-receipting to ensure payments are processed efficiently. The DPS will be used to source transport provision for a range of vehicle types operating mainly in and outside the borough of Bexley. There will be some requirements where users of the service have either been placed or attend services outside of the borough, these requirements will also be sourced through the DPS. The Council currently spends approximately £9m per annum on travel and transport provision for Children's Services and Adult Social Care & Health Services. The majority of the transport opportunities sourced through the DPSwill be required mainly for the following reasons: i For Children/Young Persons, transport may be provided to and from school/college ii For Adult's, transport may be provided in order for them to access community support services, respite centres and other provision iii Other transport requirements for Children's Services and Adult Social Care & Health Service.


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London Borough of Bexley


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