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A Noise Limit for Offshore Wind Pile Driving: Feasibility Assess & Pilot Program



Seiche Ltd


125,617.75 GBP


A Noise Limit for Offshore Wind Pile Driving: Feasibility Assessment & Pilot Programme Design Lot 1: The purpose of this project is to test the feasibility of introducing a piling noise standard in English and Welsh waters, and to deliver a rigorous scientific design for the piling noise standard trials. <br/><br/>Defra is designing a piling noise standard as part of a suite of offshore wind environmental standards (OWES), as committed to in the British Energy Security Strategy (BESS, April 2022).<br/><br/>Recognising the impact that the loud, impulsive noise from offshore wind pile driving can have on a range of marine species, particularly harbour porpoise, it is expected that the standard would reduce piling noise to a set decibel limit.<br/><br/>The exact threshold value of the decibel limit for piling is yet to be determined, and work is needed to determine what threshold value is achievable in English and Welsh waters. The standard will need to be tested in a trial setting prior to full implementation to ensure that it is functional and the technology available can lead to decibel limit being met.


Award date

2 years ago

Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

Defra Group Commercial

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