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Community Urgent Response Team (CURT) GP



The Community Urgent Response Team (CURT) GP (previously known as Community Response Team (CRT) GP) role was established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide senior clinical decision making capacity to the existing Community Response Team provided by North Lincolnshire and Goole (NLaG) Community & Therapies Division, which provides an appropriate community response to patient need as determined by clinical triage. The CURT team provide assessment, treatment and support to patients in their usual place of residence, where they meet the inclusion criteria for the service, who are experiencing a health or social care crisis and who might otherwise be admitted to hospital. Care is provided by a multi-disciplinary team, including the CURT GP role, who undertake a holistic assessment of the person's needs and determine and provide an appropriate response. Since the establishment of the CURT GP role, local service provision and pathways have evolved and transformed in line with national guidance and also recovery from the pandemic. This includes the delivery of the 2hour Urgent Community Response requirements and a greater national focus on the role of community services in delivering urgent care in the community where it is safe and appropriate to do so. This will reduce demand on ambulance and acute hospital services, support people to live independently for longer and improve patient outcomes through delivering urgent care needs at home. Lot 1: NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB is intending to award a contract an existing provider following direct award process C of The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Approximate lifetime value of the contract is £469,696.89 Contract term - 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026 with no option to extend.


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11 days ago

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