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Residential Digital Front Door Platform



Lancashire County Council (LCC) are conducting an early market engagement to understand the solution capabilities of a digital front door platform for Lancashire residents and local businesses. Lot 1: LCC is investigating the software availability from a single provider/solution to deliver the following strategic ambitions for its residents: • Easy, seamless experience whether engaging by phone, face to face, social media, AI chat or via a range of resident facing applications and forms. • Mobile friendly, easy access to advice, information, and support about our services at a time to suit our residents. • Opportunities to feedback about their digital journey and the design of our resident facing services. • An automated telephone payment system which allows users to make payments over the phone or online without needing to speak to an agent. • Receive a consistently effective digital service without having to tell us more than once. • Ability to capture nondigital interactions where residents have chosen to use nondigital routes. • Real time access to updates about a service request • Promotes an inclusive digital service. • Accessibility is embedded into the fabric of our solution so that residents with additional needs can engage with us digitally. • Seamless signposting to the wider local government community without having to understand the difference between county, district, or parish level services. • Ability to communicate in a non-English first language. • An effective, timely and empathic response to an enquiry or service request • Assurance that information we hold is safe and secure


Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Lancashire County Council

James Bennett

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