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Stale pre-tender




6,700,000 GBP


The Authority seeks supply of aseptically prepared medicines to treat patients attending the Borders General Hospital. The Authority will be seeking bids from suppliers to replace our own internal aseptic unit capacity. The bid must provide a wide range of treatments such as oncology SACT, anti-infectives and monoclonal anti-bodies. Lot 1: The Authority seeks supply of aseptically prepared medicines to treat patients attending the Borders General Hospital. The Authority will be seeking bids from suppliers to replace our own internal aseptic unit capacity. The bid must provide a wide range of treatments such as oncology SACT, anti-infectives and monoclonal anti-bodies. A list of products commonly prepared currently will be made available to interested parties. Interested parties must be: Holders of relevant MHRA licenses to supply other parties. Able to evidence stability of products prepared Able to supply products daily Monday to Friday Work with the authority to minimise waste Based no greater than three hours driving from the Hospital Postcode (TD6 9BS).. Tenderers will be expected to signify within the PQQ if they will be bidding as a primary contractor or as a third party. Short-listing will take place throughout the competitive tender process with the first cut taking place after receipt of the pre-qualification questionnaires from potential providers.


Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Borders General Hospital

Shona Milne

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