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3,600,000 EUR


The Danish National Police is tendering framework agreements for the purchase of CS-gas and training ammunition and products. The framework agreements are entered into by the Danish National Police on behalf of the authorities stated in section I.2) which are entitled to use the Framework Agreements. The tender is divided into the following three lots: Lot 1: CS-gas - 40 mm x 46 mm low velocity grenade ammunition. Lot 2: CS-gas - Hand Grenade. Lot 3: CS-gas - Spray canister For further information regarding each lot, please refer to section II.2.4) It must be noted that the tenderers are required to submit Test Specimen as part of the offer. For further infomation, please refer to the tender conditions, section 6.5. Lot 1: CS gas - 40 mm x 46 mm low velocity grenade ammunition. Lot 1 - CS gas - 40 mm x 46 mm low velocity grenade ammunition includes delivery of the following types of ammunition: Penetrating irritant dispersal ammunition Long range crowd control irritant dispersal ammunition Middle range crowd control irritant dispersal ammunition Short range crowd control irritant dispersal ammunition Illumination ammunition Flash bang ammunition with impact fuse Penetrating flash bang ammunition with delay fuse Training ammunition types The products are to be used as “Less lethal” ammunition in crowd control situations, where velocity and accuracy are essential as well as related training scenarios. For further information, please refer to the tender material, Appendix 1: Requirements specification for 40x46mm velocity grenade ammunition. The value provided in section II.2.6) is an estimate of the expected actual value for the lot. The estimated range for lot 1 is EUR 2.000.000-3.300.000. The lower limit constitutes the contracting authority's most qualified estimate of the acutal value for the lot. Whereas the upper limit constitutes the expected maximum value for the lot. Please refer to section VI.3) Lot 2: CS-gas - Hand Grenade Lot 2 CS-gas - Hand Grenade includes delivery of the following types of grenades: CS hand grenade for crowd control Smoke hand grenades for training The CS gas hand grenades are being used in various police tactical situations including during street riots and similiar and are typically a mean to restore order. The Products are furthermore to be used related to training. For further information, please refer to the tender material, Appendix 1: Requirements specification for CS-gas Hand Grenade. The value provided in section II.2.6) is an estimate of the expected actual value for the lot. The estimated range for lot 2 is EUR 1.300.000-2.200.000. The lower limit constitutes the contracting authority's most qualified estimate of the acutal value for the lot. Whereas the upper limit constitutes the expected maximum value for the lot. Please refer to section VI.3) Lot 3: CS gas – Spray canister Lot 3 CS gas – Spray canister includes delivery of the following types of ammunition: - CS spray canister for outdoor and indoor use - Spray canister for training - Quick connector with a hose and tube The products are to be used to restore order - both indoors and outdoors as well as related traning scenarios. CS spray canister is furthermore used for insertion of CS gas through a quick connector and hose with a tube into confined spaces, e.g. through keyholes, mail slots etc. For further information, please refer to the tender material, Appendix 1: Requirements specification for CS-gas Spray Canister. The value provided in section II.2.6) is an estimate of the expected actual value for the lot. The estimated range for lot 3 is EUR 300.000 - 500.000. The lower limit constitutes the contracting authority's most qualified estimate of the acutal value for the lot. Whereas the upper limit constitutes the expected maximum value for the lot. Please refer to section VI.3)


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Maria Boesen

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