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Play Area Tender



100,000 GBP


Leighton Linslade Town Council is seeking to appoint a Play Manufacturing Company to design, supply, upgrade and install play equipment and safer surfacing to upgrade the Vandyke Road Play Area, the Derwent Road Play Area and the Mill Road Play Area in Leighton Buzzard and Linslade. The initial designs will inform the Town Council in upgrading and developing the play areas and may include additional equipment that Council may wish to consider in the future as part of its medium term and long term enhancement programme over the next ten years. The project will identify existing equipment and safer surfaces, propose new equipment to be installed, identify siting of new equipment, identify new safer surfacing required, recommend repairs to existing safer surfacing already in place and identify potential opportunities for the enhancement and improvement of each area in the medium and long term as part of an ongoing improvement programme. In addition, Tenderers will be required to outline a proactive repair and maintenance schedule to ensure that the Town Council understands its future liabilities. The tender requires the production of an overall design for each play area which should be in both hard copy and electronic format to enable the Town Council to upload the images onto its website and carry out a full public consultation with existing and potential new users. The designs should aim to complement the rest of the provision within the Town. The design should also include the production of an Access Plan for each site and all proposals must be both DDA compatible and focus on access for all.


Publish date

a year ago

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a year ago

Buyer information

Leighton Linslade Town Council

Paul Russell

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