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Pharmacy Clean Room Services and Consuambles



NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) are establishing an accessible and valuable framework agreement for the provision of goods and service within a clean room and aseptic environment.<br/><br/>Lot 1 – Pharmacy Clean Room Garments<br/>Lot 2 - Provision of mops including processing<br/>Lot 3 – Pharmacy specific clean room consumables Lot Lot 1: 03. Lot 1 - Pharmacy Clean Room Garments Lot 1 Pharmacy Clean Room Garments<br/><br/>This lot is for the rental, purchase, and laundering service of cleanroom garments to support the licensed and unlicensed aseptic and radiopharmacy facilities at our member trusts.<br/><br/>The below-listed Authorities (plus those entities listed at Section II.2.11 and Section VI.3) are eligible to access the resulting framework – subject to NOE CPC approval.<br/><br/>AGH SOLUTIONS LTD<br/>AIREDALE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>BARNSLEY FACILITIES SERVICES LIMITED<br/>BARNSLEY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>BRADFORD DISTRICT CARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>BRADFORD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>CALDERDALE AND HUDDERSFIELD NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>CALDERDALE AND HUDDERSFIELD SOLUTIONS LIMITED<br/>CHESTERFIELD ROYAL HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>DERBYSHIRE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>DERBYSHIRE SUPPORT AND FACILITIES SERVICES LIMITED<br/>DONCASTER AND BASSETLAW TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>HARROGATE AND DISTRICT NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>HARROGATE HEALTHCARE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LTD (T/A HARROGATE INTEGRATED FACILITIES LTD)<br/>HULL UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST<br/>HUMBER AND NORTH YORKSHIRE PROCUREMENT COLLABORATIVE<br/>HUMBER TEACHING NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>LEEDS AND YORK PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>LEEDS COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST<br/>LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST<br/>LEICESTERSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST<br/>LINCOLNSHIRE COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES NHS TRUST<br/>LINCOLNSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>LOCALA COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS CIC<br/>MANX CARE<br/>MID YORKSHIRE TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST<br/>NHS SOUTH YORKSHIRE INTEGRATED CARE BOARD<br/>NORTHERN CARE ALLIANCE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>NORTHERN LINCOLNSHIRE AND GOOLE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST<br/>NOTTINGHAMSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>ROTHERHAM DONCASTER AND SOUTH HUMBER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>SHEFFIELD CHILDREN'S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>SHEFFIELD HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>SHERWOOD FOREST HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>SOUTH WEST YORKSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>THE NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>THE ROTHERHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>UNITED LINCOLNSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST<br/>UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF DERBY AND BURTON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST<br/>YORK AND SCARBOROUGH TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST<br/>YORK TEACHING HOSPITAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT<br/>YORKSHIRE AMBULANCE SERVICE NHS TRUST<br/><br/>A full list of current NHS Procurement Hub members is available at all times on the below websites. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/>NOE CPC member bodies as listed at: and any additional new NOE CPC members including wholly owned companies and subsidiaries, may utilise this framework agreement during the contract term.<br/><br/>See Section II.2.11 and VI.3 for list of entities eligible to utilise any resulting framework, subject to the approval of NOE CPC. Additional information: This procurement exercise will be conducted on the Atamis Health Family Single eCommercial System at:<br/> <br/>For any support in submitting your response please contact the Atamis helpdesk on 0800 995 6035 or email Lot Lot 2: 04. Lot 2 - Lot 2 - Provision of mops including processing Lot 2 Provision of mops including processing. <br/>A full sterile mop provision service which shall include a complete cleaning and refreshing service Lot Lot 3: 05. Lot 3- Pharmacy specific clean room consumables Lot 3 Pharmacy specific clean room consumables. <br/><br/>This lot is for the supply of Pharmacy clean room products for use in the pharmacy aseptic dispensing and manufacturing suites at our member trusts. Products will be used in the cleaning and decontamination of the aseptic processing areas and for aseptic manipulation of sterile medicines as appropriate to the product.


Publish date

7 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

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NHS North Of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative

Paul Dunn-Jones

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