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Total Workforce Solutions III: Strategic Workforce Services



2,000,000,000 GBP


HTE, on behalf of Mid And South Essex NHS Foundation Trust placed a Contract Notice in the Find a Tender (“FTS”) seeking expressions of interest for the provision of the agreement of Managed Bank, Managed Agency & Workforce Efficiency Solutions, which comprises of 4 Lots, as listed below: • Lot 2a (Managed Bank Solutions) enables Participating Authorities to access Suppliers who are capable of providing one or more staff groups of Flexible Workers through deployment of a Managed Bank. • Lot 2b (Managed Agency Solutions) facilitating access to Suppliers providing Temporary Workers and operating as a Prime Contractor via appropriate Sub-Contractor relationships with Employment Businesses and/or Employment Agencies. • Lot 2c (Workforce Efficiency & Optimisation Solutions) enables Participating Authorities to access Suppliers who are capable of providing workforce efficiency and optimisation solutions, that includes but is not limited to Bank and Agency Demand Solutions, Direct Engagement Services and Workforce Consultancy Support. • Lot 2d (Bundled Strategic Workforce Services) enables Suppliers awarded to both of Lots 2a and 2b to combine the provision of all the awarded Services under a single contract. Lot 2a: Managed Bank Solutions Enabling the provision of Flexible Workers through deployment of a Managed Bank solution, the permissible scope of Lot 2a requires Suppliers to provide an outsourced or part outsourced staffing solution for the provision of one or more staff groups of Flexible Workers as detailed in the Specification, manage existing Flexible Workers within the Participating Authority (including staff transfers and transfer terms of employment under TUPE as applicable to the type of service required), introduce new Flexible Workers from the Supplier’s Flexible Worker pool or through new candidate attraction to the Managed Bank, offer a software system that cascades any unfilled bank vacancies to Employment Businesses and/or Employment Agencies through an NHSE approved framework agreement (where the Participating Authority is part of the NHS), and undertake sourcing, engagement, administration and pre-employment screening in accordance with agreed contract terms and deliverables. Lot 2b: Managed Agency Solutions Enabling the provision of Temporary Workers through deployment of a Managed Agency solution, the permissible scope of Lot 2b requires Suppliers to act as a Prime Contractor via appropriate Sub-Contractor relationships to manage Employment Businesses and/or Employment Agencies on behalf of the Participating Authority. Additionally successful bidders will be responsible for designing, scoping, implementing and developing a Managed Agency service offering across one or more of the staff groups of Temporary Worker as detailed in the Specification, provide on-site, dedicated resource and consultancy. Lot 2c: Workforce Efficiency & Optimisation Solutions The scope of Lot 2c includes the supply of workforce efficiency and optimisation solutions, that includes but is not limited to Bank and Agency Demand Solutions and Direct Engagement Services. Awarded Suppliers will demonstrate capability of offering all required Core Services for both Bank and Agency Demand Solutions and Direct Engagement to a Participating Authority under Lot 2c, in accordance with the Specification Lot 2d: Bundled Strategic Workforce Services This Lot allows suppliers award to two (2) or more of Lots 2a, 2b and 2c to combine the full service provision of those Lots under a single contract.


Publish date

3 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

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