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Housing, Education, Employment and Tenancy Sustainment Support Market Questionnaire



The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead plans on appointing a provider to assist the borough in providing housing, education, employment and tenancy sustainment support for a number of households / referrals per year. Given the nature of demand for homelessness services within the borough it is difficult for the Council to determine the exact numbers of households who may require this particular support. A conservative estimate however is that at least 25 households / referrals will actively engage with such a service each year. Providers should be capable of delivering a service to for this minimum number. Providers are expected to have the capacity to commence this service no later than the 01/04/2023 and be able to work with at least 25 new households per year. The intention of the Authority is to issue a tender in early 2023 to award a multi-year contract for these requirements. To help inform the Council's approach to the market interested providers are asked to complete the Market Questionnaire that is attached to this notice and return it completed to the Council by no later than the 30/12/2022.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead

Christopher Dickenson

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