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MoJ Minor Works Dynamic Purchasing System



590,000,000 GBP


The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) (the "Authority") seeks to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System for Minor Works (MWDPS) and is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors. The contract will cover construction, maintenance and resultant remedial small scope high impact works to the MoJ estate. In the main, this includes prison establishments but may also include courts, tribunals, Home Office controlled and corporate buildings. The MWDPS will also be made available for use by Gov. Facility Services Limited, a MoJ wholly owned company responsible for the total facilities management of 48 prisons across the South of England, to source subcontractors to support its maintenance and project activities . Call-off contracts let under the MWDPS will have a maximum contract value of £1,000,000 GBP, however we expect the majority of projects to have a contract value of <£500,000 GBP. The procurement will be undertaken in accordance with Regulation 34 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The MWDPS will operate across England, Wales and Scotland and is divided into four (4) headline Lots:- - FM Maintenance Services - Project & Construction Works - System/Asset Procurement & Installation - Specialist/Miscellaneous Requirements Each of the Lots are further subdivided into Categories. There is a desire to attract a broad range of Contractors to be part of the MWDPS. The number of Contractors appointed to the MWDPS is unlimited. The MWDPS will initially be in operation for Four (4) years with an option to extend for a further two (2), two (2) year terms, at the sole discretion of the Authority, making a total of eight (8) years. However, the duration may be varied (reduced or extended) in line with emerging business needs . The estimated spend for the first 4 years of the MWDPS is £296,000,000 GBP (£74,000,000 GPB per annum made up of £64,000,000 GBP per annum for project work and £10,000,000 per annum for maintenance related activity). The MWDPS, in itself, is not a works contract. Call Off Competitions will be held under the MWDPS for specific Projects or maintenance contracts. The proposed terms and conditions to be used for the Call Off Contracts are the NEC: Engineering & Construction Short Contract for Project Work and the NEC Term Services Contract for maintenance work, however consideration is also being given to a bespoke set of terms and conditions for straightforward or very low value works. Individual call off project durations may be as short as 2 weeks but could be as long as 9 months. Maintenance contracts may be let for in excess of one year. Additional information: The MWDPS platform for vetting contractors is hosted and managed by Constructionline. To apply for a place on the MWDPS a Contractor will need to: 1. apply for a Constructionline membership. An Associate membership is free of charge. 2. register for the DPS. The MoJ is committed to supporting the Government's drive to open competition and increase opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Contractors. The MoJ would encourage all SMEs who are interested in participating in this procurement to register their interest.


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4 years ago

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Ministry of Justice

Angela Phillips

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