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C013/2024/2025 - Doing Things Differently: Archaeology Collections





The Welsh Government wishes to commission a team of specialist consultants to look at options for shared storage for archaeology collections in Wales, taking into account the collections of the local and independent sector, national sponsored bodes, Cadw, RCAHMW and Heneb. This work will include consultation, scoping and preparation of a feasibility study with costed options making a recommendation for next steps.BackgroundIn 2023-24, Culture Division commissioned Headland Design Associates to review collections management in Wales (‘the Review’), taking account of local authority and independent museums and our national sponsored cultural organisations (Cadw, Amgueddfa Cymru, National Library, Royal Commission and Welsh Archaeological Trusts).The Review’s scope included storage, collections care, digital preservation and decarbonisation of collections more broadly across the local and national sectors. It identified several challenges our sectors face which are having a negative impact on their ability to provide appropriate storage conditions for their collections principally:• Buildings• CapacityThe Review identified areas for improvement and identified good practice. Its recommendations covered priority areas such as capital investment to improve existing storage and longer-term options such as shared storage. There were five key recommendations:A. Improve Current Storage FacilitiesB. Co-ordinate a Programme of Store ReorganisationC. Refit existing NonD. Create Regional Archaeology StoresE. Create a National Agricultural Collection StoreThis piece of work aims to take forward Key Recommendation D: Create a Regional Archaeology Store.


Publish date

4 months ago

Award date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Welsh Government

Christine Wells

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