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London and Quadrant Housing Managing Agent Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)



London and Quadrant Housing Trust is setting up a Dynamic Purchasing System for Housing Managing Agent services ('the DPS') for itself and other housing associations or public sector entities advertised ('Authorised Users'). The DPS will be divided into seventeen (17) lots which cover particular categories. These lots are: Lot 1 Addiction Recovery Lot 2 Complex Needs Lot 03 Family/Parent Assessment Lot 04 Learning Disabilities Lot 05 LGBTQ+ Lot 06 Mental Health Lot 07 OFSTED Registered - Children and Young People Lot 08 Offender Rehabilitation Lot 09 Older Persons Lot 10 Refugees Lot 11 Registered Care Home - Learning Disabilities Lot 12 Registered Care Home - Mental Health Lot 13. Registered Care Home - Older Persons Lot 14 Single at risk of Homelessness Lot 15 Women and Children at Risk Lot 16 Young Persons 16-25 years Lot 17 Specialist, non-specific needs (Including Stage 2, Move On, Strategic and Short-term provision) L and Q will select suppliers in accordance with the DPS Rules from the pool of admitted participants to the DPS ('Potential Suppliers') upon passing the Selection Questionnaire. L and Q may publish a Request for Service ('RfS') to Potential Suppliers under this DPS, and select a Supplier in accordance with the DPS Rules, to fulfil its Requirements based on Potential Suppliers' Tender responses to the RfS. Additional information: To access the DPS, please use this link L&Q Supplier Portal - Home ( And follow the step by step guide below: o Create an account/Login o Click on the tab called 'Tenders' o Click on 'Current' o On the left-hand side search bar type in 'London and Quadrant Housing Managing Agent Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)' o Once you have found the DPS click on the button called 'View Details' o Then click the button called 'Express Interest' o Click on the 'Selection Stage' Tab at the top o Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will be able to view the Tender Documents and the Standard Selection Questionnaire. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

8 months ago

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in 4 years

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London and Quadrant Group

Rouling Huang

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