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SWH Rapid Personalised Care Service 25/26- Rennie Grove Peace Hospice



The RPCS accepts referrals from all system stakeholders for EOL patients whose preferred place of care or preferred place of death is at home. The service provides a package of care (POC) based on assessed needs of the patient as soon as the referral is accepted and based on the assessed needs of the patient. RPCS completes a checklist assessment between week 6 – 8 to ensure that the CHC team can complete the decision support tool (DST) assessment for any patient requiring fast track provision. Lot 1: The Rapid Personalised Care Service (RPCS) provides packages of care within 48 hours of accepting a referral for patients on the end-of-life pathway and will refer post 12 weeks patients to the CHC fast track service between week 6-8. This ensures that only the appropriate cohort of patients use the CHC fast track service. This service ensures that patients on this pathway are cared for in their preferred place of care and preferred place of death when indicated as home in their advanced care plan. The service also ensures: -<br/>• Patients and carers can access other wellbeing services provided by the Hospices.<br/>• Patients, carers, and families can access bereavement services.<br/>• Support earlier discharges from hospital and provide agreed packages of care within 48 hours.<br/>• Prevention of non-elective admissions.<br/>• Supports patients to be managed within the community.<br/><br/>The RPCS service is awarded to two Providers, Rennie Grove Peace Hospice with a value of £1,515,729 per annum and Hospice of St Francis with a value of £184,799 per annum. <br/><br/>To confirm as per the PSR direct award process C, the current provider is satisfying the existing contract, delivering a good service, meeting all KPIs, with no quality concerns and good outcomes and has received very good feedback from GPs, patients and wider system providers. The service providers are likely to satisfy the new contract, and the proposed contracting arrangements are not changing from the existing contract. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers by 12th March 2025. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR.<br/><br/>Any formal written representations should be sent to:<br/><br/>The contract has been in place with Rennie Grove, Peace Hospice, Hospice of St. Francis since 2019 with a cumulative contract value to March 2025 of £13,662,126. The maximum value of the new contract for Rennie Grove Peace Hospice and Hospice of St. Francis is £1,785,226 per annum, should the optional extension be used, the maximum contract value for the 2 year period is £3,570,452. <br/> <br/>The business case including the recommendation to award the contract under Provider Selection Regime Process C was approved by the ICB's Strategic Finance & Commissioning Committee on the 9th January 2025 and there were no recorded or potential conflicts of interest of individuals making the decision declared at this meeting.<br/><br/>The decision to award this contract in line with Direct Award Process C was based on evaluation against the five required key criteria as follows:<br/>• Quality and Innovation - Assured - HWE ICB are assured that the provider is delivering a safe and effective service as required by the specification and contract they are currently delivering.<br/>• Value - Assured - HWE ICB are assured that the provider is delivering value to the Health & Care Partnership integrated care system. <br/>• Integration, Collaboration and Service Sustainability - Assured - HWE ICB are assured that the provider is positively impacting on the integrated care system through their integration and collaboration delivered as a requirement of the specification or alternative elements linked to the delivery. <br/>• Improving Access, Reducing Health Inequalities and Facilitating Choice - Assured - HWE ICB are assured that the provider is meeting needs of the population to ensure equitable access and choice as required by the specification and contract.<br/>• Social Value - Assured - HWE ICB are assured that the provider is delivering in line with the HWE Green Plan, supporting with the implementation of carbon reduction and increase in initiatives which positively impact on the wider determinants of health.


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NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board


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