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DPS for the Supply of Services Relating to the Treatment and Energy Recovery/Disposal of Residual Waste Arising - Call Off Contracts C, D, F and G awarded in the period 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024 (Quarter 4 of the DPS)




970,000,000 GBP


arc21 established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), divided into four Lots, for the provision of services relating to the treatment and energy recovery or disposal of Member Councils' residual waste arisings. This Contract Award Notice contains the relevant information in respect of Call-off Contracts awarded pursuant to the DPS in the period 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024 (Quarter 4 of the DPS). Under Lot 2, Call Off Contract C arc21 procured the supply of services relating to the treatment and energy recovery/disposal of residual waste delivered directly to Delivery Point(s) arising from Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. Under Lot 3, Call Off Contract D and Call Off Contract F arc21 procured the supply of services relating to the treatment and energy recovery/disposal of residual waste delivered directly to Delivery Point(s) arising from Ards and North Down Borough Council and Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council respectively. Under Lot 1, Call Off Contract G arc21 procured the supply of services relating to the treatment and energy recovery/disposal of residual waste delivered directly to Delivery Point(s) arising from Mid and East Antrim Borough Council. Lot 1: Under Lot 2, Call Off Contract C arc21 procured the supply of services relating to the treatment and energy recovery/disposal of residual waste delivered directly to Delivery Point(s) arising from Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. Under Lot 3, Call Off Contract D and Call Off Contract F arc21 procured the supply of services relating to the treatment and energy recovery/disposal of residual waste delivered directly to Delivery Point(s) arising from Ards and North Down Borough Council and Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council respectively. Under Lot 1, Call Off Contract G arc21 procured the supply of services relating to the treatment and energy recovery/disposal of residual waste delivered directly to Delivery Point(s) arising from Mid and East Antrim Borough Council. This is the award information for Quarter 4, October to December 2024. Additional information: The value of each Call-off Contract is the estimated value if all of the contract extensions are fully utilised. The total value of all 4 Call-off Contracts has been included in II.1.7. The estimated total value includes an estimated amount for inflation and is based on estimated tonnages, however, the actual total value spent under the Call-off Contracts may change due to volumes of Contract Waste and variations in the actual levels of inflation from what has been estimated. The same principles apply to the contract values listed under the separate Call-off Contracts.


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