TT0013 - Invitation to Tender for Social Work and Housing Transport Framework
***Award of Framework*** This Invitation to Tender is to establish a Framework Agreement for the supply of various types of transport services for the conveyance of Social Work and Housing Services passengers. Contracts operated through this Framework can generally be undertaken by taxis, private hire cars and minibuses, including the requirement for some of these vehicles to be capable of carrying passengers in wheelchairs. All journeys required will be organised, booked and managed by Fife Council staff. Contracts will be awarded using either the direct call-off method outlined in the tender documents or by mini-competition and that mini competition award criteria will be defined at the time of tendering. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 1: Lot 1 - SW - West Licensing Zone - 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the West of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 2: Lot 2 - SW - West Licensing Zone - 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the West of Fife area and have the necessary 5-8 seater passenger vehicle to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 3: Lot 3 - SW - West Licensing Zone - Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) - Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the West of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 4: Lot 4 - SW - Kirkcaldy Licensing Zone - 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Kirkcaldy of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 5: Lot 5 - SW - Kirkcaldy Licensing Zone - 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Kirkcaldy of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 6: Lot 6 - SW - Kirkcaldy Licensing Zone - Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Kirkcaldy of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 7: Lot 7 - SW - Glenrothes Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Glenrothes of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 8: Lot 8 - SW - Glenrothes Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Glenrothes of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 9: Lot 9 - SW - Glenrothes Licensing Zone – Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Glenrothes of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 10: Lot 10 - SW - Levenmouth Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Levenmouth of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 11: Lot 11 - SW - Levenmouth Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Levenmouth of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 12: Lot 12 - SW - Levenmouth Licensing Zone - Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the Levenmouth of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 13: Lot 13 – SW - North East Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the North East of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 14: Lot 14 – SW - North East Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the North East of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 15: Lot 15 – SW - North East Licensing Zone - Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work journeys in the North East of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 16: Lot 16 – Fife Wide Licensing Zones – 9+ seater passenger Minibus ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Social Work and Housing journeys covering all of the Fife area and have the necessary 9+ seater passenger Minibus (which may also include Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV)), to undertake these journeys. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 17: Lot 17 - H – West Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the West of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 18: Lot 18 - H – West Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the West of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 19: Lot 19 - H – West Licensing Zone – Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the West of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 20: Lot 20 - H – Kirkcaldy Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Kirkcaldy of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 21: Lot 21 - H – Kirkcaldy Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Kirkcaldy of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 22: Lot 22 - H – Kirkcaldy Licensing Zone – Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Kirkcaldy of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 23: Lot 23 - H – Glenrothes Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Glenrothes of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 24: Lot 24 - H – Glenrothes Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Glenrothes of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 25: Lot 25 - H – Glenrothes Licensing Zone - Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Glenrothes of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 26: Lot 26 - H – Levenmouth Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Levenmouth of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 27: Lot 27 - H – Levenmouth Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Levenmouth of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicleC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 28: Lot 28 - H – Levenmouth Licensing Zone – Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the Levenmouth of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 29: Lot 29 - H – North East Licensing Zone – 4 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the North East of Fife area and have the necessary 4 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 30: Lot 30 - H – North East Licensing Zone – 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the North East of Fife area and have the necessary 5 to 8 seater passenger vehicle, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document. Lot 31: Lot 31 - H – North East Licensing Zone – Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC ***Award of Framework*** Fife Council requires to appoint Contractors capable of meeting the needs of the Council in relation to the provision of Social Work and Housing Transport Framework. This Lot requires Contractors to undertake Housing journeys in the North East of Fife area and have the necessary Wheelchair Access Vehicle (WAV) – Taxi/PHC, to undertake these journeys. Journeys may take place wholly within a zone (West, Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Levenmouth and North East), between zones or between Fife and locations across the Fife boundary. Additional information: Price is not the only award criterion and all Quality criteria are stated only in the Procurement documents. PLEASE NOTE that 2A.18 of the SPD requires the list of Lots applied for. This should be done in the separate Pricing Schedule document.
Award date
2 years ago
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Fife Council
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