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NKDC - Street Cleansing and Litter Picking



The Supplier shall provide a Street Cleansing and Litter Collection service throughout the area of North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) which complies fully with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990: Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse and Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (and as amended) shall also be met in the Supplier’s delivery of this service demonstrated via the Suppliers Safety Policy. Lot 1: The Street Cleansing and Litter Picking service required by the Council broadly (but not exclusively) consists of the following requirements across the NKDC area:- a) Mechanical sweeping of Highways, Streets and Roads including carriageway channels; b) Mechanical sweeping of and removal of litter from car parks and other open spaces; c) Removing litter and other discarded items from embankments, ditches, roundabouts, lay-bys, etc.; d) Sweeping footpaths, passages, pedestrianised areas and other paved areas by manual or mechanical methods; e) Removing litter (including Sharps) and other discarded items from footpaths, verges, flowerbeds, pedestrianised and other paved areas, etc.; f) Removal of graffiti and general dirt from open spaces and Council owned assets such as bus shelters; g) Removal of fly posters; and h) Collection of dead animals; The Supplier shall be responsible for the provision of vehicles, plant, equipment and depots necessary for the efficient execution of the Contract. All vehicles, plant and equipment included for use on the public highway shall at all times be in a roadworthy condition so as to ensure compliance with any statutory requirements.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

North Kesteven District Council

Miss Emma Golds

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