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Outsourced Gastroenterology Services





0.01 GBP


Intention to award a contract for an outsourced gastroenterology service under Direct Award Process C of the Provider Selection Regime Lot 1: This is an intention to award notice under Direct Award Process C of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers by 1st April 2025. Contract Details: It is the intention of the decision makers, Stockport NHS FT (the FT) to award the contract to: Community Health and Eyecare Ltd. There is no guaranteed level of activity under the contract. The contract will run from 1st April 2025 up to 31st March 2026. Reasons for selecting existing supplier against the Key Criteria: The existing supplier is fully satisfying the current contract. Quality and Innovation - The supplier has previously provided a safe and efficient outsourced service, supporting the FT in meeting national standards. They have sufficient capacity to be able to provide the service from the new contract start date. Value - The supplier has successfully delivered the current service within budget. Integration, collaboration, and service sustainability - The supplier has worked collaboratively with the FT to develop local processes and procedures to ensure that a safe an effective outsourced service is provided within budget. Improving access, reducing health inequalities and facilitating choice - The supplier remains able to offer appointments across the week expanding access for patients where required, supporting the Trust to reduce waiting times. Social Value - The supplier offers a local solution to capacity restraints within the services. No conflicts of interest have been declared.


Publish date

5 days ago

Award date

5 days ago

Buyer information

Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Susan Rigby

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