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Beck Hill Multi Storey Car Park, Bridlington East Yorkshire



13,000,000 GBP


The Construction of a Multi Storey Car Park to the site at Beck Hill, the works are designed and will be issued under under NEC Option B for demolition works and enabling works followed by the construction of a multi-Storey Car Park. There will be associated civil engineering work in connection with the diversion of the existing Gypsey Race River in connection with the development. The overall scheme will provide 429 parking spaces comprising 392 standard parking bays and 31 accessible bays along with 6 Electrical Vehicle Charging Points. 8 motorcycle parking spaces and 12 cycle spaces will also be provided to the site. The scheme has been designed up to RIBA stage 4 however there may be a requirement for some element of contractor design development in connection with some of the smaller specialist elements of the works. Lot 1: The client is seeking procurement of a Principal Contractor to undertake construction of the proposed works, to be based on tendering through a single stage competitive process by open tender. In connection with the submission of the tender the contractor will be required to submit a quality submission generally in accordance with the Common Assessment Standard, and provide written answers in connection with their submission to questions asked that are specific to the scheme. The tender period will be 8 weeks and the basis of selection of the successful contractor will be on the basis of 30% Quality 70% price. It is anticipated the works will be awarded to allow commencement in November 2024, with works to be carried out over 52 weeks. Contractors will be allowed to submit alternative tenders upon the basis of alternative durations for the works.


Publish date

10 months ago

Buyer information

East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Paul Firth

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