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London Borough of Havering - Electrical Works



70,000,000 GBP


LB Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitable providers to deliver Electrical Works, the core works of which comprise; servicing, maintenance and ad-hoc replacements to electrical systems. The contract will be for an initial term of c. nine years and five months to 31st March 2035 with an optional five year extension to 2040. The estimated value for the full available term of contract is £70,000,000. Lot 1: London Borough of Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to carry out Electrical Works, the core works of which comprise; servicing, maintenance and ad-hoc replacements to electrical systems. During the Term, Havering may also include the servicing, maintenance and ad-hoc replacement for electrical systems in their corporate properties i.e. non-housing, and educational buildings. A current list of the corporate properties is included at Appendix 1 of the Core Requirements. A current list of the educational buildings is included at Appendix 2 of the Core Requirements. As technologies, products, legislation and funding opportunities evolve, the Provider will be required to evolve the skills of its workforce, supply chain and installation methods in order to continuously provide and demonstrate best value. To enable this, the pricing mechanisms under the contract are designed to provide a method for the derivation of new prices and continuous demonstration of best value as a result of any changes to the specification. The contract will also include a mechanism for the parties to agree variations to the specification to reflect new and emerging technology, products, legislation and funding opportunities. The long term continuation of the contract, for example through contract extension, is intended to be predicated on the Provider's success in meeting all of these requirements. The Provider will be required to provide a contact centre solution for both in and out of core hours. The successful Provider will enter into a TAC-1 Term Alliance Contract (with break clauses) for an initial term of 9 years 5 months with a possible extension to 31st March 2040. Havering are following a Restricted procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Following completion of the Selection Questionnaire and associated appendices, prospective Bidders will be shortlisted with six Bidders anticipated being invited to Tender. Full information can be found in the attached Tender documentation. Additional information: Havering are procuring a series of contracts which may work under a Strategic Alliance to deliver reactive, cyclical & programmed work to Havering properties to support them in delivering their ambition of carbon neutrality by 2040. Should the Strategic Alliance be formed, there will be a need for the provider to work both with and in a sub-contract arrangement for some of these other Providers.


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Havering

Shelley Wood

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