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19/121 — Frameworks for the Provision of Recruitment Services to Ervia Irish Water, Gas Networks Ireland and Their Subsidiaries




Premier Recruitment International, Hays Specialist Recruitment (Ireland) Limited, Hays Specialist Recruitment (Ireland) Limited, Hays Specialist Recruitment (Ireland) Limited, Hays Specialist Recruitment (Ireland) Limited, Hays Specialist Recruitment (Ireland) Limited, CPL Resources Plc t/a Solutions Ltd, Brightwater Selection Ireland Ltd, AspiraCon, Brightwater Selection Ireland Ltd, CPL Resources Plc t/a Solutions Ltd, CPL Resources Plc t/a Solutions Ltd, Brightwater Selection Ireland Ltd, Brightwater Selection Ireland Ltd, CPL Resources Plc t/a Solutions Ltd, Premier Recruitment International, Brightwater Selection Ireland Ltd


The PQQ Response must be submitted through the etenders system before the deadline. No etender submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in this PQQ. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such NO paper copies will be accepted or read. Any problems with the etenders system or questions of the functionality in the etenders system should be directed to the system CTM support at eu-supply, the provider of the electronic system. Lot 1: Lot 1a Provision of General Recruitment Services for Payroll Staff The provision of recruitment services to the contracting entity for general management/permanent/fixed term. You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in the PQQ documents. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such no paper copies will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12.00 local time Wednesday 24 July 2019. Lot 2: Lot 1b Provision of General Recruitment Services for non-Payroll Staff The provision of recruitment services to the contracting entity for contingency/agency and temp. You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in the PQQ documents. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such no paper copies will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12.00 local time Wednesday 24 July 2019. Lot 3: Lot 2 Provision of Executive Recruitment Services The provision of recruitment services to the contracting entity for executive recruitment. You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in the PQQ documents. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such no paper copies will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12.00 local time Wednesday 24 July 2019. Lot 4: Lot 3a Technical Recruitment Services Payroll Staff The provision of recruitment services to the contracting entity for technical recruitment including for permanent/fixed term. You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in the PQQ documents. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such no paper copies will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12.00 local time Wednesday 24 July 2019. Lot 5: Lot 3b Technical Recruitment Services non-Payroll Staff The provision of recruitment services to the contracting entity for technical recruitment including for contingency/agency and temp staff. You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in the PQQ documents. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such no paper copies will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12.00 local time Wednesday 24 July 2019. Lot 6: Lot 4 Legal Recruitment Services The provision of recruitment services to the contracting entity for legal recruitment. You must submit through the etenders system before the deadline. The submission deadline is strict and no submissions will be possible after the date and time specified in the PQQ documents. Please note that all tenders are electronic, as such no paper copies will be accepted or read. Please submit via the etenders system not later than 12.00 local time Wednesday 24 July 2019.


Publish date

4 years ago

Award date

4 years ago

Buyer information


Marian Nugent

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