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SR222 Driver Advisory System



ScotRail Trains Limited (SRT) would like to inform the potential scope and specification for the provision of a Driver Advisory System across the ScotRail fleet. Prospective suppliers who have the capacity and capability are asked to register an interest on the Public Contracts Scotland site to help inform the tender documents for the future of these services. We invite all interested suppliers to complete a questionnaire via our Wax e-sourcing portal which can be accessed here: The questionnaire is open for a period of 4 weeks, however ScotRail will review submissions as and when received. Following the deadline for responses to this market consultation, the intent is that SRT shall hold follow-up engagement sessions with individual bidders in relation to their response. It is envisaged that these shall be held w/c 19th August 2024 either via MS Teams or face-to-face at our Head Office in Glasgow City Centre. Please confirm on the questionnaire response whether you will join virtually or F2F. Lot 1: ScotRail Trains Limited (SRT) would like to inform the potential scope and specification for the provision of a Driver Advisory System across the ScotRail fleet. As part of this Periodic Indicative Notice, SRT is conducting a Pre-Tender Market Consultation exercise to obtain up-to-date information and feedback from the market in order to: - understand market capabilities and solutions in relation to a Driver Advisory System which would be functional across our fleet and all ScotRail routes; - understand what support arrangements would be available to ensure DAS is operational - understand any possible risks, barriers and constraints; - gain an indication of the whole-life costs associated with your proposed solution - understand the indicative timescales surrounding implementing a proposed DAS which would meet the needs of SRT - detail any solution which would provide a workaround in the absence of 3G or WiFi - detail any developments or industry specific projects in your pipeline which may benefit ScotRail As part of this Market Consultation, we request that all suppliers should complete both the attached Market Engagement Questionnaire and Appendix 1. This exercise is being carried out in advance of any formal procurement process. It is not a pre-qualification or tendering exercise. The results of this exercise will be used to inform SRT’s decision making process only and may or may not result in a future tendering exercise.


Publish date

9 months ago

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ScotRail Trains Limited


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