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GWM14900 ESB Moneypoint Security of Supply Project – HFO Tanks and Bund Construction



The Electricity System Operator has identified a significant supply deficit in the winters 2023/29. As a result, the CRU and Eirgrid have made a decision to extend the operation of the older generating units until replacement capacity is operational. For the purpose ESB Moneypoint has entered into a TCM agreement which will see the Coal fired plant transition to HFO and remain available for the period 2025 to 2029. Given the criticality of this Security of Supply Project, it is important that two additional HFO tanks are delivered in early 2026.. If you believe this date in not achievable, please provide details of what you believe to be a realistic date. Applicants should note this is not a scored criterion but will be used for information purposes only to assist the Contracting Entity to finalise a procurement strategy. It is proposed that the Contract will include the supply and construction of two new HFO tanks of 25,000 tonne capacity each, to match the existing two tanks of approximate diameter 48.8m and height 14.63m, and the construction of two new watertight reinforced concrete bunds comprising continuous concrete perimeter walls and new concrete floor slabs within the existing bunded areas, incorporating membranes and new access ramps. The construction scope shall also include steam heating coils within the HFO tanks, draw-off heaters, all interconnecting pipework, lagging, powers supplies, control and instrumentation installation, lighting, CCTV, drainage, access stairwells/platforms and tie ins to the existing site infrastructure i.e. Fire Hydrant system and drainage systems etc. The Electricity System Operator has identified a significant supply deficit in the winters 2023/29. As a result, the CRU and Eirgrid have made a decision to extend the operation of the older generating units until replacement capacity is operational. For the purpose ESB Moneypoint has entered into a TCM agreement which will see the Coal fired plant transition to HFO and remain available for the period 2025 to 2029. Given the criticality of this Security of Supply Project, it is important that two additional HFO tanks are delivered in early 2026.. If you believe this date in not achievable, please provide details of what you believe to be a realistic date. Applicants should note this is not a scored criterion but will be used for information purposes only to assist the Contracting Entity to finalise a procurement strategy. It is proposed that the Contract will include the supply and construction of two new HFO tanks of 25,000 tonne capacity each, to match the existing two tanks of approximate diameter 48.8m and height 14.63m, and the construction of two new watertight reinforced concrete bunds comprising continuous concrete perimeter walls and new concrete floor slabs within the existing bunded areas, incorporating membranes and new access ramps. The construction scope shall also include steam heating coils within the HFO tanks, draw-off heaters, all interconnecting pipework, lagging, powers supplies, control and instrumentation installation, lighting, CCTV, drainage, access stairwells/platforms and tie ins to the existing site infrastructure i.e. Fire Hydrant system and drainage systems etc.


Publish date

4 months ago

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3 months ago

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Electricity Supply Board (ESB)

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