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ID 5701478 - DAERA - NIEA - Procurement of three Triple Quadrupole GCMS systems



The Northern Ireland Environment Agency have a requirement for for the Supply, Delivery and Installation, of three Triple Quadrupole Gas Chromatographic Mass Spectrometers, (GCMS TQ) including Warranty and Training of staff in their use, to perform analysis of WFD Annex 8/10 substances in environmental matrices down to extremely low Limit of Quantification (LOQ)s, with one year’s initial warranty period and optional 4 years’ additional warranty covering servicing, maintenance and a technical support package, which must be delivered to the NIEA Lisburn site on or before 31st March 2025. The contract will be for a duration of 1 year (to cover warranty from date of commissioning), with 4 further optional extension periods of up to 12 months each. Please refer to Specification document for additional detail. Lot 1: The Northern Ireland Environment Agency have a requirement for for the Supply, Delivery and Installation, of three Triple Quadrupole Gas Chromatographic Mass Spectrometers, (GCMS TQ) including Warranty and Training of staff in their use, to perform analysis of WFD Annex 8/10 substances in environmental matrices down to extremely low Limit of Quantification (LOQ)s, with one year’s initial warranty period and optional 4 years’ additional warranty covering servicing, maintenance and a technical support package, which must be delivered to the NIEA Lisburn site on or before 31st March 2025. The contract will be for a duration of 1 year (to cover warranty from date of commissioning), with 4 further optional extension periods of up to 12 months each. Please refer to Specification document for additional detail.


Publish date

3 months ago

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2 months ago

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Northern Ireland Environment Agency


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