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Provision of Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) Services on behalf of NHS Derby & Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group (DDCCG)



NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (DDICB) (formerly Clinical Commissioning Group) (referred to as the Commissioner) invited suitably qualified and experienced providers to express an interest in delivering the Service(s), by responding to the opportunity as required and described within the published tender. NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands CSU (AGCSU) acted as an agent for and on behalf of the Commissioner and is supporting the procurement process. Lot 1: Male PICU Services DDCCG/ICB wished to procure a block contract agreement for the provision of care and support for 9 Male beds for an initial period of 2 years (commencing from 1st February 2022 to 31st January 2024) with an option to extend for up to a maximum of a further 23 months (until 31st December 2025). The maximum contract value for Lot 1 was £9,646,000 over the 2 year and 23 months term of the contract. Any bids that exceeded this maximum value were to be automatically excluded from the procurement process. Lot 2: Female PICU Services DDCCG/ICB wished to procure a block contract agreement for the provision of care and support for 4 Female beds for an initial period of 2 years (commencing from 1st February 2022 to 31st January 2024) with an option to extend for up to a maximum of a further 23 months (until 31st December 2025). The maximum contract value for Lot 2 was £4,287,000 over the 2 years 23 months term of the contract. Any bids that exceeded this maximum value were to be automatically excluded from the procurement process. Lot 3: Spot Purchase PICU Services With fluctuating demand there may be times when additional service provision is required above the block contract agreements. DDCCG/ICB wished to enter into a Spot-purchase contract agreement where individual placements can be called-off against agreed terms and conditions. The Spot- purchase arrangement was for an initial period of 2 years (commencing from 1st November 2021 to 31st October 2023) with an option to extend for up to a maximum of a further 23 months (until 30th September 2025). Any bid that exceeded the maximum tariff of £850.00 were to be excluded. Additional information: Spot purchase contracts are awarded on a zero value, zero volume basis. Lot 1: Male PICU Services DDCCG/ICB wished to procure a block contract agreement for the provision of care and support for 9 Male beds for an initial period of 2 years (commencing from 1st February 2022 to 31st January 2024) with an option to extend for up to a maximum of a further 23 months (until 31st December 2025). The maximum contract value for Lot 1 was £9,646,000 over the 2 year and 23 months term of the contract. Any bids that exceeded this maximum value were to be automatically excluded from the procurement process. Lot 2: Female PICU Services DDCCG/ICB wished to procure a block contract agreement for the provision of care and support for 4 Female beds for an initial period of 2 years (commencing from 1st February 2022 to 31st January 2024) with an option to extend for up to a maximum of a further 23 months (until 31st December 2025). The maximum contract value for Lot 2 was £4,287,000 over the 2 years 23 months term of the contract. Any bids that exceeded this maximum value were to be automatically excluded from the procurement process. Lot 3: Spot Purchase PICU Services With fluctuating demand there may be times when additional service provision is required above the block contract agreements. DDCCG/ICB wished to enter into a Spot-purchase contract agreement where individual placements can be called-off against agreed terms and conditions. The Spot- purchase arrangement was for an initial period of 2 years (commencing from 1st November 2021 to 31st October 2023) with an option to extend for up to a maximum of a further 23 months (until 30th September 2025). Any bid that exceeded the maximum tariff of £850.00 were to be excluded. Additional information: Spot purchase contracts are awarded on a zero value, zero volume basis.


Publish date

4 years ago

Close date

4 years ago

Buyer information

NHS Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group

Thomas Greenwood

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