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Leamington Primary School Cluster ~ Catering Tender



Miquill Catering Ltd


1,417,364.23 GBP


The successful Supplier will be required to provide catering services for four Primary schools in and around the Leamington area. Lot 1: The four schools will all be set up as separate contracts, duration of the contracts being offered is three years commencing on April 1st 2025, and concluding on March 31st 2028 apart from Telford Infant School which will start on April 1st 2026 and conclude on March 31st 2029. The contracts will be on a guaranteed performance basis offering a fixed annual return and or subsidy to each school. There will be the option to extend the contract for a further term of two years. It is expected that the successful contractor will have experience in providing food for pupils at similar sized schools and understand the requirements of the Healthy Eating in Schools (Nutritional Standards & Requirements). The tender project is seeking to appoint a Contractor whose initiative and innovation will be welcomed for the provision of all catering services within the schools. This includes breakfast clubs, hospitality for visitors and provision for inset days. The high-quality service levels proposed, should maintain excellent standards throughout, resulting in a new food service offer with consistent high standards of food operations within the schools. Regular customer and parental engagement will be required to ensure this is the case moving into the contract term. Please see SQ Document for more information. Additional information: Please note this is a Contract Award Notice, this contract has already been awarded.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Milverton Primary School


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