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Electrical test and Smoke Alarm Inspection/installation



States of Guernsey Housing is a responsible landlord and, in line with best practice, requires electrical installation condition inspections to be carried out in each of its properties on a five yearly basis. Housing will only use electrical contractors that have been approved by the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) or the Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA) or National Association of Professional Inspectors & Testers (NAPIT). States Housing has standardised the alarms it uses in its housing stock by specifying types manufactured by Aico Ltd. All Housing properties have a combination of some or all of the following mains connected Aico alarms: smoke (hall and landing), heat (kitchen), carbon monoxide (CO) alarm (lounge & in any room with a gas or solid fuel burning appliance); in addition, flats may have smoke alarms in bedrooms. The common linkage setup has smoke and heat alarms interconnected; and the CO alarm as a standalone unit or linked to other CO alarms. N.B. Aico recommend their alarms are replaced after ten years of use; Housing replaces alarms in the year before the date shown on the units as this is Aico’s latest date by which they must be replaced. Each year Housing identifies which alarms are due for replacement and compiles a work schedule; this work is undertaken as part of a separate Alarm Replacement contract. In addition, Housing has chosen to enhance its standard alarm systems by adding a smoke alarm in lounges (thus attaining full LD2 status and complying with the recommendations of BS 5839: Part 6 – 2019); and to also fit a CO alarm in rooms through which a ‘working’ flue runs through.


Publish date

3 months ago

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2 months ago

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