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Laois County Council Tender for the provision of a Masterplan for Lands at Portlaoise Road, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois



Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced companies to prepare a Masterplan for lands at Portlaoise Road, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois (Map of study area attached). The land comprises of a Laois County Council Land Bank and privately owned lands which are zoned Residential 2 - New Proposed Residential and Enterprise and Employment in the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027. The Masterplan will assist in the development and delivery of the most effective presentation (Layout, form and design) of a number of uses within the confines of the zonings permitted under the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027 which includes the settlement plan for Abbeyleix (SEE ATTCHED -Appendix 1). This Masterplan will develop an appropriate framework and means of guiding new development and services in a coherent and sustainable manner. The Masterplan will be an advisory and ‘non-statutory’ planning document used to assist the Council and Developers in maximising this strategic landbank. The masterplan for the subject lands needs to consider a number of key components to ensure the proper planning of future developments having regard to the edge of centre location. These components are: • To ensure that the site is developed in a coordinated manner and is sympathetic to the existing built form within the area; • To enliven and rejuvenate this edge of centre area and improve synergy between the Masterplan site and the Town Centre through the inclusion of a complementary range of uses of the subject lands; • the realisation of the residential (mixed tenure) potential of the site; • The creation of employment opportunities on the lands zoned for enterprise and employment • The creation of a road network to service the overall site and adjoining lands • the development of active travel (walking and cycling infrastructure) within the site to ensure permeability between the Ballyroan Road and the Portlaoise Road, Abbeyleix; • the provision of community facilities in association with Down Syndrome Ireland ambitions for the “Field of Dreams” to support the potential social enterprise and training facilities for people with disabilities ; • the creation of a public realm that integrates into the built and natural environment acknowledging the heritage status of Abbeyleix Town.


Publish date

a month ago

Close date

17 days ago

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Laois County Council

Laois County Council

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