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Principal Contractor - DeMontfort House



2,300,000 GBP


Tenders are sort for a Principal Contractor (PC) to deliver all required works at a Leicester high rise block - DeMontfort House in lines with the Building Safety Act. Various workstreams have been identified to be completed over the next circa 12 months. Much of this work will be at DeMontfort House, with some additional works at a nearby block: Elizabeth House. Platform would like to make sure Tenderers are aware that we will be running a Tender Introduction Microsoft Teams call to provide additional background/context (12 noon - 3rd March, details held within the ITT document), plus a Site Visit has been organised between 12 noon - 2pm on the 5th March for a full site work around of DeMontfort House. All questions raised at either of these sessions will be noted and all answered provided via the Dialogue function to all Tenderers.


Publish date

a month ago

Close date

5 days ago

Buyer information

Platform Housing Group

Richard Orders

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